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"I'm sorry that must be hard." She gives me a small smile.

"It is, what makes it even harder is that sometimes we have normie's for soulmates." She looks up at me and she tilts her head.

"Why is that harder?"

"They don't see the string like we do, so having to explain it to them is a lot harder. What would you do if I walked up to you and went 'Hey Marilyn, I know you're a normie and I'm not, but you're my soulmate'?" I looked at her hoping she would see the truth in my eyes but she didn't.

"Okay you make a good point. But it might not be a bad thing" She finishes her drink and we both stand up walking to the car. We drive over to the window shop to pick it up then we drive back to Nevermore. "Thank you for letting me tag along with you. I had a lot of fun."

"Thank you for coming with me, this was a lot more fun than it would have been if I went by myself." I grab some stuff and I walk to my room placing the wood panels on the floor, running back down the stairs my mind drifting off back to Marilyn. I grab the glass and I close the back door, I carefully walk up the stairs placing the glass on my bed. I walk out of the room and down to Mama's room I knock on the door and I walk in when I hear her say come in.

"How was the trip to town?" I hand her back the keys to the car.

"It was good, we hit the shops to get wood and other accessories and the window shop. We went to the Weathervane to drink hot chocolate while the window was being down."

"And how was the coffee date?" she says raising her eyebrow

"It wasn't a date Larissa."

"For now it's not, but when are you going to tell her?"

"How are you more excited for this than I am?"

"Maybe because you don't care enough and I do?" I roll my eyes and she laughs.

"Alright well while you play matchmaker in your head, I am going to go do my window before it rains and I have a pool in my room."

"Let one of us know if you need any help."

"Alright, if you come looking for me I will either be in my room or up on the roof. Don't worry I will be fine on the roof, it's not my first time on the roof."

"Be safe up there Sunshine I don't want you getting injured before school starts. But if Marilyn has some first aid training, she can nurse you back to health." I don't know why but I felt my cheeks heat up thinking about Marilyn helping me if I was injured. I shake myself out of those thoughts and I notice her looking at me with a smug smirk.

"Hush. I will be leaving now." she laughs as I walk out. I walk into my room and I change my clothes into shorts and a tank top. It is way too hot in here with that hole in the roof. I grab all of the stuff and I head to the roof to start on the window, about halfway through I hear my name being called.

"Y/N are you in here?" I move my head around the window and I see that it was Marilyn. I take out the window and I lean my body through the hole.

"Up here." She looks around the room and she looks up at the hole.

"What are you doing up there?"

"Sunbathing, what are you doing inside?"

"Staying cool, well not in this room I'm not." I laugh, and she laughs along with me

"Do you need anything?"

"No, well kind of. You have been up here for a while and I was wondering if you wanted something to eat?" I look at my watch and I realize that I have been up here for hours and I haven't eaten or drank anything.

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