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"I need to head back to school anyway." Mama says and she stands up. I nod my head, she places a hand on my shoulder. "Call me if you need me." I nod my head again and I watch her as she walks away. I watch as Marilyn sits down in her seat.

"What's going on?" I look away, trying to focus on anything else. "Please talk to me." still nothing. "Fine then I will talk. Can you nod your head to answer me?" I don't do anything for a second but then I slowly nod my head. "Alright. I'm gonna ask questions and you answer okay?" I nod my head again. "Did you get overwhelmed and you threw yourself into a panic attack in Larissa's office?" I nod my head. "Okay great. This is a start. Do you not like being touched when you are like this?" I shrug my shoulders hoping she realizes that it depends on the moment. "You were fine until the fight, you shrugged my hand away quickly like you started there why?" I can't answer whether it's not a yes or no question. So I just look at her and I wait.

"It got worse when we went to Larissa's office when she yelled at you but it started before then what happened before then? Did Stephanie say something to you?" I shake my head. "Did I say something and not realize it?" I nod my head slowly. She looked at me like she was trying to figure out what she said. "What did I say to put you in shutdown mode?" I took my phone in my hand and I messaged her.

Me: You said you were disappointed.

Marilyn: I was scared, you were all bloody and bruised. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm so sorry

Me: it's fine

Marilyn: it's not though

Me: It was a mistake. It happens

Marilyn: But still it was something that could have been avoided.

Me: It couldn't have, everyone has their first fight.

Marilyn: We didn't fight though it was I yelled at you and you had a panic attack. Now I want you to tell me when you get one. Even if I start it, I don't care. Is there something that you do that kind of lets me know when you are feeling overwhelmed or panicky

I put my phone down and I look at her, she looks at me and she gives me a weak smile.

"There's a couple different things I do but the first thing I do is I rub my pointer finger and my thumb together." she nods her head.

"Alright. Please please please let me know if something is bothering you."

"I will"

"Alright let's go home." we both get up and we head to her car, she opens her hand and I tilt my head "I want your hand." I give her my hand and she interlaces her fingers with mine and I smile. The drive back home was quiet but it was comfortable. I look out the window and I see dark clouds coming our way.

"We should hurry, the storm's coming." She looks out and nods her head to agree with me.

"We should be fine. I have a question for you though."

"What's up?"

"Well this saturday is the carnival and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. You can totally say no, I know it's a lot of people and it's gonna be loud and Larissa told me that you usually stay here when I asked her about it."

"Yeah I'll go with you."

"You really don't have to if you don't want to."

"I know." Soon enough the rain comes pouring down. There is always something about the rain that I love. We pull up into the parking lot and she parks the car. She looks at me and I have a big smile on my face.

"Like the rain?"

"I love it." She smiles

"Are you still coming over tonight?"

"Yeah I just wanna get changed first since we are both gonna be soaking wet"

"Yeah we should get out of the car soon, it's not going to let up till tomorrow." I nod my head.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup." We both swing open the door and we start to run, closing the doors behind us. I get half way and I just stop. I watch her make it under the awning and she looks at me, locking eyes.

"What are you doing?" she yelled

"Enjoying the weather." She runs back out and grabs my hand and tries to pull me towards the dry area but I don't move. "Marilyn." she stops trying to pull me and she looks at me. I put my hands on her waist and I pull her closer to me and I kiss her, she makes a cute squeak that she lets out in surprise. She wraps her arms around my neck and she pulls me in closer. I feel her tongue glide over my lip asking for entrance and I grant it, I let out a light moan. I pull away needing air, she looks nervous all of a sudden.

"Are you okay?" I nod my head.

"Yeah, just catching my breath. Are you?"

"Yeah. Although we should get out from the rain, we don't need to be catching any colds." I nod my head and she takes my hand and we start walking inside. We both go our separate ways and I head to my room to change. I take out my phone to text Mama.

Me: I'm home, going to Marilyn's room to watch a movie.

Mama: I take it everything worked out well.

Me: Yeah it did. It worked out even better when we came home.

Mama: What do you mean?

Me: We kinda kissed in the rain.

Mama: Aww that's so cute. Make sure to take something so you dont get a cold.

Me: I won't. Have a good night and I will see you for breakfast.

Mama: Sweet dreams sunshine

I put down my phone and I changed into my pj and I headed over to Marilyns. I knock on the door and I wait for an answer.

"Come in." I walk in and I close the door behind me and I kick off my shoes and I walk over. She walks out of the bathroom and she smiles at me, she gets on the bed and I kinda just stand there awkwardly.

"Are you going to come sit or do I have to drag you over there?" I come closer but I don't get on the bed. "I don't bite, not yet at least." She winked at me and I felt my face heat up, I walked over to the bed and I sat down next to her.



"Ready for movie night?" I nod my head and I smile. "Do you wanna pick?"

"I don't care what we watch." She takes the remote and she puts on my favorite movie.

"I remember you talking about it a while ago so I figured the best movie to watch is something that you're comfortable with." I kiss her on the cheek.

"Thank you." We get comfortable and my head is leaning on her chest and she's playing with my hair. Soon enough I feel my eyes starting to close, drifting off to sleep in Marilyn's arms.

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