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"Your my secret admirer." I look in her eyes and she looks scared. She nods her head.

"Yes" Her voice is small, weak. She looks like she's ready to cry.

"You also know what I'm gonna say don't you?" She nods her head again, "you know deep in the back of my head I think I knew it was you too. You always blushed whenever I was around."

"I'm sorry." She says

"Don't be, I'm flattered. Really I am, but I am too old for you. Do you know what I think?"


"I think that you only like me like this because I stood up for you. I think that this will go away. I was the first person to protect you like that aren't I" she nods her head. "You should always have someone who is willing to protect you and you have three."


"Well you have me that's not going to change at all. Principal Weems and Wednesday. She might not show it but she cares for you somewhere in her cold dead heart. Hey maybe you might be the one to warm it up."

"What about Ms. Thornhill?"

"Right now she is not too fond of you. But she will grow to care for you." She nods her head. "Can I ask you a personal question, Enid?" She nods her head. "Am I your first true crush?" She nods her head and I can see tears forming in her eyes "oh honey what's wrong?"

"I've never said it out loud before, I think my family knows and it's probably another reason why they treat me like dirt."

"I understand, honey I do. My family knows my mother says it's fine as long as she doesn't see it and not in her house. My mothers husband hates me all together probably because I'm not his. You and I, Enid are not so different."

"That's one thing they hate about you. I still haven't wolfed out."

"I'm autistic and don't like to be touched, unless by certain people."

"Your family isn't supposed to hate you,"

"Then do yourself a favor. Pick your own family, I did." She looks at me and there are tears streaming down her face. "Honey everything will be alright I promise you. No one here will treat you any differently and if they do call me on Wednesday and we will fry them." She laughs "oh that's funny that you think that I'm joking Wednesday might actually fry them." She laughs harder. I wipe the tears off her cheek, "I have gotten to know you and Wednesday this past month and guess what?


"You and Wednesday are like my sisters." Tears start streaming down her face harder. "Oh honey it's alright I promise you. Come here" I open my arms and she flings herself into them and she is sobbing and shaking. "It's alright let it all out." After a while she starts to calm down. She lets go of me and I wipe her tears again.

"Your shirts all wet."

"That's okay I don't care. Why don't we get you inside?" She nods her head we both stand up and we put our shoes on and I take her hand and we start to walk up the path. "I'm glad that it was you and not some creepy guy." She starts to laugh. I look and I see Wednesday and Marilyn, Marilyn looks like she's about to say something and I shake my head no. She looks at them and she becomes nervous and she grips my hand harder. "Do you want Wednesday to take you upstairs or me?"

"If you talk to her will you get in trouble?"

"Right now your more important"

"I can go with Wednesday." I nod my head and she gives a small smile.

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