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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, I roll over and I shut it off. The poe cup kicked my butt, everything hurts. Parts of my body hurt that I didn't even know that could hurt. I take out my phone and I send a message to Mama.

Me: Morning mama, gonna stay in bed everything hurts today.

Mama: Thank god it's Sunday and you don't have any classes.

Me: Yeah, but me and Marilyn were supposed to do date night but I can barely move right now.

Mama: Oh Sunshine i'm sorry

Me: not my fault it's Enid's

Mama: Stop blaming that girl for your actions.

Me: She begged me to play, I wasn't going to say no to her.

I hear a knock at the door,

"Come in." I say and I see a Mama with two trays in her hand.

"Hungry?" she gives me a goofy smile and I laugh

"Thank you"

"For you always." I sit up and I move over on the bed and she sits down next to me. "So besides being sore, how was the game?

"I had fun."

"Enid is really pushing you outside her comfort zone isn't she?"

"I'm just glad that she didn't try it with outreach day."

"Is Marilyn less nervous around Enid?"

"Yeah she is, which is nice. I hate getting that look." She nods her head and gives a smile, soon after we finish our breakfast and she leaves with the trays. I take out my phone to text Marilyn.

Me: Can I get a raincheck on date night? Too sore to do anything.

Marilyn: Oh is my poor baby too hurt to do anything

Me: It's not funny, it even hurts to breathe.

Mariyln: I'm sorry darling, why don't we still have date night we just have to modify it a little bit.

Me: Are you sure?

Marilyn: Just because we don't go out doesn't mean that we can't have date night. We can have an indoor picnic.

Me: That sounds awesome.

Marilyn: Alright let's do that.

Me: Alright I'm just gonna stay in bed until then.

Marilyn: Do you need anything now?

Me: No mama was in here earlier with breakfast.

Marilyn: Alright, text me if you need anything

Me: I will

I put the phone down and I lay there looking up at the sky light, I slowly got out of bed and I grabbed my laptop and put on my favorite tv show. Hours passed before I realized that Marilyn was going to be here soon. There was a knock on the door and I look at the time and my eyes widen

"I'll be right there" I say and I quickly hop out of bed, my body cursing at me. I run and I change into my favorite outfit and I slap on some makeup and I rush to the door trying to keep my breathing under control. I open the door and I see Marilyn on the other side with a picnic basket. She raises her eyebrow and smirks.

"Did you watch so much tv that you forgot?"

"What? no not at all" she laughs


"Alright I may have let time get away from me." She leans down and she kisses me. She lays the blanket down and we both sit on it.

"I made pb and j's, with chips and root beer."

"Yum. Marilyn I love it, thank you." She hands me a plate of food and we start to eat. After a while she looks like she gets nervous. "Are you okay?" She nods her head but doesnt say anything.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You never have to ask that. What's up?

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Rave'N with me?"

"As a date?"

"Yes, as a date."

"I would love Marilyn, I was going to ask you when I was feeling better but I guess I would be cutting that close."

"Just a little." I smile

"Do you think that Enid and Wednesday are going together?"

"No way. Wednesday doesn't show feelings and Enid is too bouncy for Wednesday."

"I think they will, they have been getting closer since Outreach day. It would be nice to see them together." she nods her head and we get off the floor and lay in bed looking up through my skylight at the stars.

"I'm glad you put this in, it's beautiful."

"I'm glad too. Are you gonna stay the night or leave? I'm not pushing you out, I'm just asking."

"Do you want me to stay?"

"I always want you to stay." She borrows a pair of clothes from me and we both get ready for bed, she finishes first and she walks out of the bathroom, I am in there for a couple more minutes and I walk out shutting off the light and I crawl into bed and into her arms. She kisses the top of my head and we both fall asleep.

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