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Over the past two weeks I avoided Larissa like the plague, ignoring her text and calls. And going out of my way not to pass her office. I completely shut down those two weeks, not talking, nothing not even to Marilyn. Enid and Wednesday helped a lot and got me back on track. Right now I'm laying in Wednesday's bed during our nightly writing club, even Enid is laying next to me reading. There was a knock on the door and I quietly ran to the bathroom not making a sound. There were footsteps and doors opening.

"Is Y/n in here? I need to talk to her" I hear Larissa's voice.

"She's not here." Wednesday said in a short voice you could tell she was angry,

"She seems to be nowhere and everywhere all at the same time."

"Yeah well, she's not here like I said." My eyes widened at how angry she sounded.

"Wednesday stop." I hear more footsteps probably Enid walking over

"Alright, have a good rest of your night ladies." I could hear the disappointment in her voice. The door closes and the bathroom door opens and I see them holding hands. It was still so weird to see that but I was so glad that they were together. We walk out of the bathroom and they give me a hug sandwich.

"I should get going though it is getting late." They nod their heads and I grab my stuff and I walk out of the room. I walk into mine and I drop my stuff onto the floor and I get ready for bed.

Me: Hey baby how was your day?

Marilyn: It was good, it's better now that I am talking to you. You need to talk to Larissa, she has been bugging me all day. She says it's important.

Me: She's just being dramatic.

Marilyn: or she really needs to tell you something

Me: Fine I'll have Wednesday come with me to her office

Marilyn: Why is Wednesday being dragged into this?

Me: Wednesday understands me and what I'm thinking.

Marilyn:Alright promise you will text me after it.

Me: I will

I text Wednesday.

Me: Can you come with me to Larissa's office, Marilyn said it might be important?

Wednesday: Yeah i'll be right over

Soon after there was a knock on the door, I put on my shoes and I opened the door to see Wednesday.

"Ready?" I nod my head. She takes my hand and we walk slowly down to Larissa's office. She knocks on the door and the door swings open like she was hoping for me, she tries to put a hand on my shoulder but I quickly back away from her touch. She quickly pulls her hand back and she gives me a small smile. I haven't been this quiet to her in 3 years and I could see the look of hurt in her eyes.

"Come in." She gets out of the way and we both walk in and we sit down in the chairs. She closes the door behind us and she sits down in her chair. "I guess Marilyn told you I have been looking for you all day today." I don't say anything, I don't even move my head.

"Yeah Marilyn told her."

"Good, I got an email from your parents, they are coming for parents weekend. I figured I would email them so you don't have any surprises." great now they are coming, I don't want them here I don't want to be here.

"Alright since that is all, we will be going." We get up and head for the door Wednesday's hand not leaving mine for a second.

"Wait." we both looked at her, "have you been doing?" I feel Wednesdays hand grip mine

"How is she doing? That's the question you're asking right now. Shitty, that's how she's doing. Because of you she had shut down not saying a word not to Marilyn, not to Enid and not to me. I almost had to shove food down her throat because she forgot or just didn't want to. She saw you like a mother, in her contacts your name is mama. To me, to Enid, to Marilyn, your mom. She doesn't even call her mother mom, just you. For 3 years she has trusted you enough for hugs, being held, cuddles, and kisses." She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry, if you would just let me explain."

"No, not right now. After parents' weekend maybe. This weekend will be overwhelming as it is. I don't need you to be added on top of that." She opens her mouth but doesn't say anything, she lets her head drop. Wednesday guides me up the stairs and into her room. I sit on the chair and I watch them put their beds together so we all have room to sleep on it. I sent a quick text to Marilyn telling her it was over and I plugged in my phone. Enid shuts off the light and I lay in between them and they lay their heads on my chest. All of us slowly drifting off to sleep.

Red String of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora