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Today was the day it was finally the Rave'N. There was a new found buzz in the air, everyone was excited. I know I am, tonight is the night I am going to officially ask Marilyn to be my girlfriend. I am helping Wednesday get ready before I get ready with Enid. Her leg is bouncing and I can tell that she is worried.

"Wednesday you have no reason to be worried. Enid likes you."

"But does she feel the same way I do?" I go to open my mouth. "Unless you can guarantee it, please don't." I nod my head and i close my mouth

"Life is about taking risks, yes you will get hurt and sometimes it hurts for a long time before you can feel better and heal. We are all taking a risk tonight."

"What are you risking?"

"I'm going to ask Marilyn to officially be my girlfriend."

"I thought you already were."

"I guess it would be considered yes we are girlfriends but it's manors I guess to ask." She nods her head. I take a drink of water and suddenly become nervous.

"So are you guys going to have sex after the dance?" I choke on my water,

"I don't know, I guess we will see what the night brings?'' After I helped Wednesday put on her dress and makeup. "Wow Wednesday you look great."

"You think so." I nod my head.

"Though Larissa will be upset you're not following the white theme."

"She should know I'm not going to follow the rules."

"She knows that." I give her a smile "I am going to grab my stuff and head next door, do you want me to go down with you or Enid?"

"You can go with Enid, you know that I like to make an entrance."

"Oh I know you do." I grab my stuff and I head towards the door. "Hey Wednesday." She looks up at me and she looks nervous.


"Would it make you feel better if I went down with Enid and came back and brought you down too. Just in case you were nervous."

"Do whatever you want." I roll my eyes and I walk over to Enid's and I knock on the door. The door swung open and I was pulled inside "wow what's going on?"

"I can't go to the dance." I frown


"I can't go with Wednesday. I need to tell you something but you can't tell her."

"Alright let's sit down." We both sit on the bed and she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I like her." I smile

"God, I hope so, she is your roommate and a friend."

"No Y/N I LIKE HER." My eyes widen but I can't tell her that I know that Wednesday likes her.

"That's okay, why don't we get ready? We go down there and you tell her."

"What, that I like her, are you insane?"

"She could like you back"

"She could also set me on fire in my bed while I sleep."

"She wouldn't do that, trust me. Just think about it." She nods her head and we both get ready for the dance.

"Enid you look awesome." she smiles

"Thank you, so do you." We get on our shoes and We both walk down the stairs.

"Alright there is Yoko, go hang out with her while I go and get Wednesday." I see Marilyn out of the corner of my eye but I leave before she sees me. I knock on my door and it opens and I look at her and I smile.

"Are you ready to go, my lady?" I hold out my elbow so she can grab it. She nods her head and I give a small smile as we start to walk down the stairs. "She looks amazing" we both head to the stairs and we see Enid talking to Yoko, Bianca and Divinia. We also see Marilyn talking to Mama. I look at Wednesday and she seems more nervous than I have ever seen her before. "Ready?" She looks at me and she slowly nods her head. We start to walk down the stairs and we see them looking at us, both of them with love in their eyes. I walk her over to Enid and she looks speechless. I back away and I walk over to Mama and Marilyn, they both look at me and smile.

"Wow Marilyn, you look beautiful."

"So do you darling." she kisses my cheek and she guides me into the room, most of the students have started dancing. After a while of us dancing I look over and I see Wednesday and Enid dancing and I smile at them, Enid looks happy and so does Wednesday I think. After eating Marilyn goes to the bathroom and Wednesday pulls me over quickly and she stares at me.

"Yes darling?" I say

"What do I do?"

"The best solution I can come up with is slow dance with her and tell her. I know you're not gonna wanna hear this but channel your inner Morticia. I'll tell the DJ to play a slow song, this is your chance Wednesday use it wisely" she grimaces but she nods her head. I walk over to the DJ and I ask if he could play a song and he nods his head. Soon enough a slow song appears over the loudspeakers. I walk over to the back of the room and I watch her approach Enid with her hand out. Enid looks shocked but takes her hand and follows her to the dance floor. Wednesday puts her hands on Enid's waist and Enid puts her arms around Wednesday's neck.

"Dance with me?" Marilyn sticks out her hand and she smiles at me.

"I would love to." she guides me to the floor and we start to dance, "Can I say something?"

"Always what's going on?"

"Well I never did this before so I never know the right place to say things or the perfect moment but I was wondering well You're the only girl I want. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

"Really" I nod my head and she smiles at me. "I would love to be your girlfriend." she leans in and she captures my lips with hers and I smile into the kiss. We both pull away and we both have a big grin on our faces. Soon the song is over the DJ playing one last song before the night is over. She grabs my hand and she drags me out of the room and upstairs and into hers. Before I could say anything her lips were on mine in a passionate kiss she grabbed my waist and she pulled me in closer. She starts to kiss down to my neck, she finds my pulse point and she sucks on it.

"Marilyn" I moan, she looks at me and she gives me a wicked grin. She guides me to the bed and she sits on my lap and she goes back to kissing me again. Her hand slides up my waist and up to the side of my cheek. "I don't know what to do?" she stops and looks at me, with love in her eyes.

"Do you want to?"


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