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I woke up smashed in between the two of them. I did not want to get out of this bed, I looked at my phone and it was almost 9.

"Guys wake up its almost nine" I shake both of them awake. They get up and we move the beds back to where they were. We all got changed into actual clothes and soon enough there was a knock at the door Enid gets up and she walks over to the door. The door is open wider and I see that it's Wednesday's family. Wednesday gets up and she walks over to them, I get up but I stay in the back.

"Y/N right?" I nod my head. "It's good to see you." I give another nod and she smiles but has a confused look on her face.

"She's not feeling well, parent problems?"

"Ah, are they not coming?"

"They are and that's the problem. And the one family member she wants got into a fight and isn't talking." everything re-hits me and I sit on Wednesdays bed, I see Enid and Wednesday have a worried expression on her face. Ms. Addams walks over and she stands in front of me."

"Wanna go somewhere and talk? Being a parent I might be able to give some sort of advice." I nod my head and we both walk to my room Wednesday holding out her fingers, her hand brushing my arm as I pass by her. We walk into my room and we both take off our shoes and we sit on the bed with our backs to the wall. "So tell me what's happening?"

"My mother ignores that I'm an outcast and that I'm autistic and that I don't like to be touched unless it's by certain people. My mothers husband is a different story, I'm pretty sure he hates my guts. It used to bother me but it doesn't anymore. I feel at home here, this school is my home. Someone told me that blood doesn't have to make you family, you can choose it."

"Whoever said that is right."

"Well I chose that person to be my mom and she was the best one I have ever had, not like I had much to compare it to. I didn't trust her at first but by the time my year was over I let her hug me and it only got better from there. And this year on my first day back this guy tried to pick a fight with me at the coffee shop in town and I accidentally called her mama. I saw the same guy a couple weeks ago and he said something to her about it and she said that she didn't have a daughter. And I know that she doesn't know that I called her that but to hear her say that really hurt. It hurt so much that I shut down for two weeks, not really eating. Not talking, no hugs nothin, I completely shut down."

"Oh Y/n I am so sorry that you have to go through this."

"The worst part is I don't even have it that bad. Enid's family is worse"

"Well don't you worry, and friend of Wednesday is a family of ours. We will help you with your issues if you want whichever one we encounter first. And I have seen the look on Larissa's face when we met for the first time. She sees you as a daughter too, she just need to execute her words better" I give a smile "I'm not going to ask for a hug but how about a nice hand on the shoulder."

"I would like that." She places her hand on my shoulder and it feels nice. We get up and we walk out of the room and back to Wednesday's and Enid's. I open the door and Enid smiles and she runs and tackles me into a hug and I laugh. Wednesday walks over too and she pulls Enid off of me and gives me one.

"Are you okay?" I nod my head

"Yeah your mom's kind of cool"

"Nope, please don't say that again." I laugh, we both hear Enid's stomach growl.

"And on that note it is time for breakfast, let's go down and get food." we all go down the stairs and we all grab plates and we all start to get food. We sat at a table and I happened to sit in between Enid and Morticia. We all started to eat and talk about random things, I liked hearing the stories they had to tell about their time here at Nevermore. I see Marilyn and I smile.

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