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I wake up to my alarm and I roll over and I shut it off. I get dressed and I head out the door stopping when my foot slips on something. I look down and i see a piece of paper, I picked it up and I opened it

You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. -Secret Admirer

Marilyn, you are adorable. I put the note in my pocket and I headed down to mama's office, I quietly knocked and she opened the door all ready to go. She looks at me and she smirks and I give her a confused look.we head down to the cafeteria.

"I take it you had a fun time."

"Yeah I did but why did you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like I did something I wasn't supposed to."


"Why are you giving me that look then?"

"What look?"

"I don't know that look."

"Oh you mean the one where I look at you like you have two giant hickies on your neck." My eyes went wide, I totally forgot about those. She starts to laugh and my face starts to heat up. "Just make sure you aren't too loud."

"We were at the carnival when it happened. Actually right when you called."

"Ooo I knew I interrupted something, you sounded funny."

"It's alright. Marilyn did something really cute this morning though."

"What did she do?"

"She left me a note on the floor of my room." I wipe my hands and I take the note out of my pocket and I hand it to her.

"Sunshine I hate to tell you this but this isn't your girlfriend's handwriting and you should know that you're in her class." My face drops.

"Then who is it?"

"I don't know, ask Wednesday to help you. Give her a mystery to solve"

"That's actually a really good idea." We finish our food and we head up to her office. "Do you need any help with anything? The only thing I'm doing today is talking to Wednesday."

"No, I should be fine, just organizing my papers."

"I could help, get it done quicker."

"No, go talk to Wednesday and see what she says." I nod my head and I head up to her room and I knock on the door. I the door opens and it's Wednesday


"Wanna solve a mystery?" She raises her eyebrows. "It's not murder don't get too excited." She frowns a little bit. "I seem to have a secret admirer and I wanna find out who it is." She nods her head.

"Alright come in, we can make a suspect board." I walk in and I take off my shoes. I look over at Enid and she's still sleeping.

"Here's the note."I hand it to her and she reads it. She looks a little sick but that's probably normal for her. A couple hours later we have a full board and Enid is finally awake.

"Why don't you just let it go with the flow?" Enid asks

"Because she's seeing someone already." Wednesday answers for me.

"She's dating Thornhill." I look at her and she gives me a look. "You have to be an Idiot not to see that. Especially after yesterday and today you have hickies and I know I didn't do that and Enid passed out beforehand." I smile

"Sure you don't wanna put those skills to use and be a cop and not a murrder."

"Ha don't make me laugh." I laugh "Are we sure it's not her?"

"Different handwriting." She nods her head.

"Well there's nothing I can do unless we gather more clues." I nod my head.

"That's no problem Wednesday. I'll see you guys later." I walk out of the room debating on whether or not I should tell Marilyn. I get in my room and I change into better clothes and I lay in bed on my laptop after a couple hours doing random things I hear a knock at the door. "Come in" after a couple seconds there was no answer so I got up and I walked over to the door and I opened it. There was no one there, I looked down and there was another note on the floor. I pick it up and I close the door, I sit on the bed and I open the note.

I wish you would think of me as much as I think of you-Secret Admirer

I take out my phone and I text Marilyn.

Me: Can we talk?

Marilyn: Sure I'll be there in a minute.

Me: Okay my door is open i'm popping by Wednesday's and Enid's for a second

I also text Mama.

Me: I got another one, telling Marilyn and giving the note to wednesday.

Mama: Alright let me know how it goes.

I put my phone in my pocket and I walked over and I knocked on the door.

"Come in'' I hear Enid's voice. I walk in and Enid smiles at me, "Wednesday is in the bathroom."

"Thank you. How are you feeling?"

"Better, I do this all the time. Thank you for last night, Wednesday told me what you did."

"It's no problem, I'm glad that you are feeling better." Wednesday gets out of the bathroom and she looks at me. "I have another note for you to place it on the board."

"Anything good?"

"Not to you. Now if you will excuse me I have to tell Marilyn before she finds out later and freaks out." I walk out of the room and into mine and I see Marylin on my bed under my covers. "I wasn't gone long and you are already making yourself at home." She gives me a grin and I smile and shake my head kicking off my shoes and climbing into bed and into her arms.

"My marks look good on you, I should make more soon."

"You can but first I need to tell you something and I need you not to freak out"

"You know what you're saying that makes me freak out."

"I know. I have a secret admirer, it started this morning. It was probably one of the kids from yesterday watching me." After a few minutes of silence I started to get nervous. "Please say something."

"There is nothing going on right?"

"No there isn't and there won't be I only want you. Please believe me."

"I do believe you, I promise I do."

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