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I walk through the halls and I make my way to the cafeteria grabbing two trays of food before I head over to Mama's office. I knock on the door with my foot and I wait for an answer.

"Come in." I hear her say, and I do it again. I hear her mutter something and I hear her walk over to the door. She swings open the door looking a little irritated and all of a sudden I feel like I annoyed her. Her features relaxed when she saw it was me. "Sorry sunshine."

"It's my fault I should have put down one of the trays."

"It was not, I'm sorry that I looked irritated at you. You don't irritate me at all I promise." I swear it's like she can hear my thoughts. Or she just knows me well enough to know exactly what I'm thinking. She closes the door behind me and we both walk over to the couch. I place the trays on the table and I shrug the bag off my shoulder and let it drop to the floor.

"I take it your girlfriend doesn't have the same period free as you?"

"Not my girlfriend and no she has it before me. Which sucks but it's fine, because I can hang out with you."

"Or you could make actual friends."

"Ha, like who's your ex's braided pig tailed daughter. Or her puppy that follows her."

"Y/N be nice. You're only being mean for the comment Morticia said." I knew she was right.

"You're right, I'm sorry. That was really rude of me. But I swear Enid is like a puppy with the way she bounces from place to place and topic to topic."

"And I also know you find it adorable."

"Hush." We eat our food talking about our day so far and soon enough my watch vibrates.

"Time to go?" I nod my head.

"Yeah I wanna stop off to see Marylin before I head to class.

"Alright sunshine, I'll text you every now and then to make sure you drink water." I nod my head and I grab my bag. And she stands up to hug me. "Have a good rest of your day.'' She kisses me on the forehead and I walk out the door and to Marilyn's classroom. One kid was still in the classroom and I knew the kid. It was Enid, I opened the door quietly and she looked up at me and I scrunch my nose.

"Sorry" I whisper, Enid smiles at me. I make my way over to the desk and I sit in front of Marilyn. She gives me a big smile and I return one back.

"Ms Thornhill, I'm done." Enid says and she makes her way up with her bag, she hands her notebook to her and she quickly reads it over.

"Well done Enid. I'll see you tomorrow." She gives a wide grin.

"Thank you Ms. Thornhill, see you tomorrow. Bye Y/N" I watch as the heat rises in her cheeks. She walks out the door and Marilyn walks over to me and she bends down taking my lips in a kiss.

"How was your day so far?"

"Good, had Lunch with Larissa. Came to see you, so the highlight of my day."

"I could make it better." she flirts

"Oh really, you think that you can make it better."

"I know I can" I raise my eyebrow

"Well please tell me how do you plan on making my day better?"

"Movie night in my room." She gives me a goofy smile

"Movie night in your room?" She nods her head. "Alright I would love that."

"I know you would, you should start heading to your next class. I don't wanna make you late."

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