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"You're my soulmate." I say. She looks at me with a shocked look on her face.

"Really" I nod my head, ready for a rejection but it never comes. She places her hand on mine and she smiles at me. "I'm glad, because I have liked you since the moment I met you and if I am being honest. I kind of had a crush on you since Larissa was talking about you." I feel the heat rise up in my cheeks.

"So you don't mind that you're my soulmate?"

"No, not at all. You are still the same person you were five minutes ago and you're gonna be the same person in a couple days from now."

"Thank you." she nods her head. We eat the rest of our food in a comfortable silence, the bill comes over and I go to grab it and pay with what money I had on me knowing that I would have nothing left in my funds after this. I feel her hit my hand away from the bill.

"Don't even think about that." I open my mouth to argue and she gives me a look telling me not to. She pays for the food and we walk out of the restaurant. We start to walk to the car and I feel her hand brush up against mine. I look over and she gives me a nervous smile and she entangles our fingers together and holds my hand. She looks down at our hands and she looks back up at me and she gives me a wide smile and a deep blush setting in her cheeks. She turns her head and looks away from me. I stop her and I lift her chin to look at me.

"Don't turn away from me, you're beautiful when you blush like that." If you couldn't tell she was blushing before you could definitely tell now. We walk the rest of the way to the car and I reluctantly let go of her hand to open her door so she can get in. After I get into the car we drive back to Nevermore in a calm comfortable silence. After we get to the parking lot I help Marylin get out and I walk her to her room.

"Shouldn't I be walking you to your door?" I hear her say and I laugh.

"Next time" I say and she smirks and raises her eyebrow

"What makes you think that I want a second date?"

"Call it a gut feeling." She laughs and I laugh with her. She looks like she wants to say something and she opens her mouth but then closes it. I tilt my head at her "What?"

"I want to do something but I don't know if you would be comfortable with it" I know what she wants to do just by the look in her eyes.

"Well why don't you do it and I can tell you if I was uncomfortable or not." she leans on her toes and kisses my cheek. I felt my cheeks quickly heat up.


"Did I just break you?" I nod my head and she smiles

"It's never happened before."

"Well then I am glad that I gotta do it first."

"Goodnight Marilyn"

"Goodnight Y/n '' she kisses me again on the cheek and I watch her walk into her room and close the door behind her. My heart is beating so fast it feels like I could run a marathon. I look at my watch and it's late but not late enough for Mama to be in bed. I take off running and I stop right in front of her door and I catch my breath before I knock.

"Come in" I hear Mama say. I walk in the door and I see her sitting in her chair with a glass of wine with the Addams family minus the kids.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you were busy. I'll come back tomorrow."

"No, we should head out, it's late and it's a big day tomorrow." The tall woman in black stands up and so does her husband. "Have a good night" they say and she slips behind me and closes the door behind her.

"How did it go?"


"No. No you are not giving me a one word sentence. You could not have gone for just coffee because it closed like two hours ago."

"We went out for dinner because I forgot to eat again and she wanted actual food in me."

"Sunshine, we talked about this. I'm gonna start texting you to make sure you eat again."

"Ok. She took me to the place we always go and it was going really well. And I may have blurted out that she was my soulmate." Larissa looks at me with a shocked look on her face.

"How did she take that?"

"A lot better than I expected. She told me she didn't mind one bit and that she has had a crush on me since you told her about me." She gives me a wide grin.

"Oh Sunshine, I'm so happy for you. How was the ride home?"

"Comfortable silence. I walked her to her room and she kissed my cheek and my brain stopped working. Then she did it again before she walked in her room." She walked over to me and she gave me a big hug.

"Once again I'm so happy for you and I'm proud of you. You usually don't like physical contact and you were okay with her touching you. That's great." She lets go of me

"Thank you Larissa"

"Always Sunshine. You should get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow. Are you scared to start your final year as a student?"

"No way" I stand up straight and I puff out my chest like I'm tough and she laughs.

"Alrighty there tough guy. Go get ready for bed. Breakfast in the morning or is that now just girlfriend time?"

"No way breakfast is our thing and I'm not gonna change it for anyone or anything," she gives a smile and she kisses the top of my head.

"Have a goodnight sunshine"

"Goodnight Larissa" I walk out of the room and I head to mine. I get ready for bed and I lay in bed thinking about everything that has happened. I honestly can't wait to see what this new year will bring. 

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