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It has been two weeks and the secret admirer is still going. We have no clues at who it could be. I am now reading over all of the notes on one page to see if I can gather some kind of hint.

You are the most selfless person I have ever seen

I love the way you have that stern look on your face when you are trying to focus

I love the way you care for other people even when they dont deserve it.

Your smile lightens up the room

To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed

I need to know who it is, it's putting Marilyn on edge too. She says she's not worried but I can tell she is. She's afraid I'm gonna leave her for this person and I won't. There's a knock at the door and I look at my watch, it's almost dinner time.

"Come in" I say and the door opens and I see Marilyn, she has a small smile on her face and a piece of paper in her hands and I already know what it is.

"You have a new letter." She walks over and she sits on the bed and hands it to me. I put down the letter and I straddle her lap and I give her a hug.

"Hi love."

"Hello darling." I let go of her and I gave her a quick kiss.

"I know these notes are killing you a little bit. I'm sorry for all of this."

"I knew that other people were going to have a crush on you, I just didn't expect this."

"I know, it couldn't have happened last year or the year before. It has to be this year when I'm seeing someone."

"Go on, open it and see what it says so we can go to dinner." I nod my head and i open it.

I think it's high time that we meet. Meet me at the docks at 7pm- Forever yours secret admirer

Oh boy Marilyn is not going to like this. I just know it

"What does it say?"

"Um well, they want to meet me tonight at the docks." the look of dread hits her face.

"No, not going to happen. No way in hell."

"If I dont go I won't find out who it is and the notes will keep coming. I should go and talk this out with them and explain to them that I'm not looking for a partner right now."


"Marilyn, I have to and Wednesday would agree with me."

"No she wouldn't."

"Yes she will let go." We walk out and go over to Wednesdays and I knock on the door.

"Come in." We both walk in and Wednesday is looking at the suspect board.

"We have a breakthrough, where is Enid?"

"She's hanging out with Yoko again, something about getting a new thing for Outreach Day. Wasn't paying attention, what's the breakthrough?"

"I am meeting them tonight at the docks." I hand her the note and she opens it and reads it.

"Perfect then we can threaten them"

"We are not threatening them. Wednesday I am going to talk to them and tell them I'm not looking for anything right now."

"Fine but I'm going with you. I will hide in the trees."

"No Wednesday. I'll be fine."

"I'm not accepting no as an answer I'm going" I roll my eyes but in the back of my head I am grateful just in case things go bad.

"Alright it's five now. We eat, I go and change and then we start walking down. Sounds like a plan?" We all nod our heads and we go down to the cafeteria and we grab our trays and we sit with Mama.

"Hey Larissa" I say and waves at us. "Meeting my admirer tonight. Don't worry Wednesday is coming with me."

"Good, this might not end well the way that you want it."

"What harm can a child do?" Mama raises her eyebrow and then I look at Wednesday. "Nevermind," she laughs. We all eat and we talk about upcoming Outreach day and something about Wednesday playing the cello. By time we are all finished it is almost 6:30 we clear our trays and head back to my room. I change into a loose shirt and pants with vans, we head out and we slowly walk to the docs.

"This is a bad idea." Marilyn said,

"Think positive. Maybe I will have a new friend after this."

"No way in hell you are going to be friends with this person." I lean in her ear and I whisper.

"This jealous side of you is really hot love." her face heats up and she looks away and I smile at the face that I can make her flustered so easily. We stop and Wednesday looks a little apprehensive.

"Alright this is where we stop. Will you be okay?"

"Wednesday are you worried about little old me."

"No, not at all. I hate being alone with Enid that's all."

"This will work out." I stay growing more nervous by the minute. I started to walk slowly to the dock and there was no one there. I look at my watch and I still have a good ten minutes till they come. I walk to the edge of the dock and I roll up my pants and I take off my shoes and I sit down putting my feet in the water, god that water is cold right now. I take out my phone and I text mama

Me: This is a good idea right?

Mama: I think so and if anything goes wrong you have wednesday that will protect you. How you two became friends is still beyond me. But I'm glad that she has you.

Me: So am I. She is a great person and I am glad that I know her.

Mama: It's almost time, are you ready?

Me: I don't really have a choice, Marilyn is on edge slowly freaking out by the minute.

Mama: It will all work out.

Marilyn: Someone heading your way be careful darling.

Me: I will I promise

I hear snaps and footsteps coming towards me and then I hear them on the deck but I don't bother to turn around and look up. They are right behind me, I hear shuffling and I see movement and I see their body next to mine but I still don't look. They are wearing all black which doesn't surprise me, I doubt they were going to wear bright colors. They take off their hood and I know that hair from anywhere


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