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I wake up to the sound of my alarm and I roll over and I shut it off. I feel arms grip me tighter.

"Stay." Marilyn whispers and I smile

"Mama won't be happy if I miss breakfast."

"I think she will live, text her and tell her you're staying in bed."

"Alright fine I'll tell her that I'm staying in this morning." I open my phone and I text Mama

Me: staying in bed this morning, stayed up late last

Mama: the party was over at 10 I've seen you go to bed at 12 and be fine. Are you okay?

Me: I'm fine just really tired

Mama: Do you want me to come up?

Me: No I'll uh be alright I'll see you later.

I place my phone down and I snuggle back into Marilyn. She tries to pull me in closer but there is no physical way we can get any closer. She kisses my shoulder and I smile.

"Good morning darling."

"Morning love."

"Are you still okay with what happened last night? We don't have to talk about it but I just wanna make sure you are okay." I roll over and I face her

"If I wasn't okay with what was going on I wouldn't have done it. I am more than okay, I'm amazing." She gives me a big smile and I lean up to kiss her. I lay my head on her chest and I start to doze off again while she is tracing stars on my back. A couple hours later we get up and actually put on some clothes so we can get something to eat. We make our way outside and towards my car and we see figures sprinting towards us. Enid crashes into me giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Hello girls, how are you this morning?"

"We are good. How are you?"

"We are good too. Any plans for the rest of the day?"

"No just hanging around, we just wanted to say hello."

"Good we should get going, have a good rest of your day girls." they not their heads and Enid grabs Wednesday's hand and she tugs her away, I smile as I get into the car. We drive into town and I park the car right in front of the antique store. We walk in and we get in line to order our drinks and goods. A glimpse of very blonde hair catches my eye and I see mama sitting at a table. "Wanna play with mama?"

"What are we doing?"

"That tables empty, we should sit there and play a prank on her."

"She will kill us. But fine but if it gets too serious I'll pull the plug." I nod my head. We grab the food and drinks and we head to that table.

"There's no way to see us from there." I took out my phone and I downloaded a texting app. "Alright ready?" she nods her head

Me (unknown): I see you

We watch as mama looks up and around the store

Larissa: Who is this?

Me (unknown): all in good time. Just know that I have got my eye on you.

Larissa: Is that a threat?

Me (unknown): you can take it however you want

Larissa: Do you know who I am?

Me (unknown): Yes I do , you're the Principal of the school for freaks.

I cringe at that word

Larissa: I'm not afraid of you.

"I don't like this anymore." I say and I start to feel sad.

"We don't have too. Finish it up." Before I write down the next sentence, the same guy from the first day is here.

Me (unknown): Please listen, the guy is here from my first day back in town. He hasn't seen us or you. Be careful, I'm texting Galpin now

Larissa: Sunshine?

Me: At the weathervane the same guy is in here from before he hasn't seen us.

Po-po: I'll be over there in a minute. Try staying out of the way

Me: Hurry, me and Marilyn are out of sight but Larissa isn't.

I put my phone away and I saw that Mama switched seats to where he could only see her back. I watch him and he's seen her shit shit shit.

"Ain't you the lady that runs the freak academy?" Doesn't say anything and completely ignores him. "Hey I know you heard me. Did your daughter tell you that saw me already? We met a couple months ago."

"I don't have a daughter" I feel the tears sting my eyes. I know she doesn't know that I think of her like that but it still hurts to hear her say.

"Are you sure because she called you mama" she looked shocked, soon enough Sheriff Galpin walked in.

"Really again Carl. We have already been through this once, do we really have to go through this again." They both walked outside and we managed to slip out after them. I didn't say anything but I handed her the keys and she seemed to already know. She takes them and we both get into the car, the ride was quiet back to Nevermore. We walked into her room and I collapsed into her arms sobbing.

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