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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, I roll over and I hit the snooze button. I get dressed and I head to Mama's Office and I knock on the door.

"Come in Sunshine." I walk in and she is sitting at her desk doing some paperwork

"One of these days it's not gonna be me at the door and you're gonna call someone else sunshine." I laugh.

"It's Saturday you should sleep in"

"And miss breakfast with you never." She rolls her eyes but smiles anyway. "Ready to go?" She closes the laptop and grabs her sweater.

"Let's go." we walk down to the cafeteria and we grab our trays and we sit down in the courtyard in our usual spot. "Happy that your sentence is up?"

"I don't know if you could count it as a sentence if I did the things I usually do."

"I mean I could make it another week."

"You could and I could also say that it didn't go on my record just like it didn't Stephanies."

"You are too wise to stay in this school."

"Thank god it's my last year." she laughs. We start to eat and we talk about things inbetween.

"I heard that you're going to the carnival tonight."

"Was that supposed to be a question or a statement?"

"It came out a bit of both so it's both."

"Yes Marilyn asked me if I wanted to go on a date and I said yes."

"Aww are you gonna kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?"

"Is that a thing that people really do?" she nods her head. We both finish up our breakfast and we walk back to the office. After I walk her to her office I head back to my room, I bump into Wednesday on the way there.

"Hello Wednesday."

"Y/n" quiet as usual, i like her

"Going to the carnival today?"

"Enid is making me take a stab at being social."

"That's Enid for you. Is she having any problems or is she good?"

"She's good. Thank you for what you did for her, she told me about it the day it happened."

"You're welcome. How are you liking the school?"

"Boring, I am learning things I already know and none of this interests me."

"Well you could always try to learn something you don't know how to do, maybe take up a club."

"It will cut into my writing time."

"Well how about we make our own club, it's the writing club. We take our writing stuff and sit somewhere and we just write. No talking, no music, no sounds other than us writing. Or you could teach me something I don't know." she ponders that for a second

"That sounds like I would tolerate it." I smile.

"Well we should set up a time to hang. I could come by later and we can work something out." she nods her head.

"That will work well."

"Perfect, I'll see you later than Wednesday." I walk into my room and I sit on my bed catching up on homework and studying. Taking a break I take out my phone and I text Mama.

Me: Guess who I may have made for a new friend?

Mama: hmmm Santa Claus

Me: No try again

Mama: Do I know them?

Me: Yes very well

Mama: Should I be worried that you are friends with this person?

Me: Probably

Mama: Dracula

Me: Nope give up yet?

Mama: Yes sunshine who are you now friends with?

Me: Wednesday

Mama: What???

Me: I asked her how school was going and she said she was bored so i told her that she should take up a club and we are doing a writing club.

Mama: I'm surprised

Me: So am I but I will take it

Marilyn: Morning darling, hope I didn't just wake you.

Me: No had breakfast with Larissa, talked with Wednesday and now i am doing homework and studying

Marilyn: it's Saturday

Me: So

Marilyn: You need to learn to sleep in.

Me: no thank you

There's a knock on my door and I look up confused.

"Come in" the door opens and I see Marilyn walk through the door. "Good afternoon." I get up and I walk over to her and I kiss her.

"It is now" I roll my eyes at her. She guides me to the bed and she takes my books and she places them on the table.

"I guess I'm done studying for the day." she nods her head and she lays down pulling me with her.

"You're mine now for the rest of the day."

"Kind of I told Wednesday that I would go over to hers and talk to the writing club."

"She's joining the writing club?"

"No it's more of just me and her hanging out writing and her teaching me things." She raises her eyebrow.

"I could teach you some things."

"I'm sure you could. Wanna watch a movie before I go over there then we can go to the carnival." She nods her head and I grab my laptop and I put on a random movie I had. We talked about more random things and by time the movie was over we were already ready to go. "Alright you go change and I will head over to Wednesday's then head back to change meet up in 30 minutes?"

"Sounds like a plan." she plants a quick kiss on my lips and she walks out of the room. I walk out and I walk over to Wednesday's room and I knock on the door. I hear some shuffling and the door swings open, and I see Enid with a big smile on her face and a light blush on her face.

"Hey Y/N" she practically screams

"Hey Enid. Is Wednesday here we are supposed to talk about hanging out?"

"Yeah she is. Come in." I walk in the room and I see her reading a book.

"Hey Wednesday, ready to talk about writing?" she looks up and she at least closes the book

"Sure" I walk over to her side of the room and I slowly sit down on her bed.

"I am free everyday at 6."

"Okay my writing time is at five, I can push it to six and seven is my cello practice."

"Sounds fun and we can do it here or in my room."

"Good then we won't be disturbed by Enid's whatever she listens to, she calls it music but it's something else." I laugh.

"I heard that."

"You were meant too."

"Alright we can start tomorrow because of the carnival." she nods her head

"Are you going?" I hear Enid say

"Yeah I am. I heard you're dragging poor Wednesday."

"Yup. If you want you can come with us and hang out."

"I would but I already have something planned. thank you." I see her smile falter for a second.

"Then we will see you there."

"Alright, have fun guys." I quickly walk out the door and I head back to mine to pick a nice casual outfit. 

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