Part 2: Raditz vs Naruto, Piccolo, and Goku

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Hey guys I hope you like the last chapter so here I am making Chapter two of The Sayain Naruto. With out further a do let's get started.

Goku was shocked of what he heard out of Raditz's mouth. Goku asked in confusion, "Who is this Kakarot?"

Raditz replied, "Why it's you Kakarot!"

Goku yelled, "No your wrong my name is Goku!"

Raditz soon looked at both of the sayains and yelled, " Kakarot, Minato son what happened to your tails!"

Naruto replied, "We both cut are tails peramantly!"

Raditz yelled, "You idiots your tails are your source of power! Kakarot why did you do it!?"

Goku replied, "So the moon can stay! And I am not Kakarot my name is Goku!"

Raditz asked, "Kakarot did you hit your head on rock when you were little?"

Goku replied, "Yeah I did."

Master Roshi soon said, "Goku there something that your grandfather told me when your were little. Your grandfather found you in a space pod in the middle of an bambo forest. At first you were reckless and you would hit your grandfather everywhere you went with him. One day you and your grandfather went hiking and you fell out of his bag and fell down the cliff and hit ypur head. When your grandfather thought your were dead, he found you without a scratch. And ever since that day you been to a lovely boy to your grandfather. Sorry Goku for not telling you earlier."

Goku replied, " It's ok master Roshi."

Raditz look at Naruto and said, "Do you know who your parents were?"

Naruto replied with a look, "No!"

Raditz than explained, "Haha your parents were weak Naruto! When you were born your mother had that beast in her until it was let lose on to the last of the sayain race your father sealed the beast within you, but they died form doing it. Naruto we sent you 11 years ago after we knew the beast was too powerful to control! But now we can control it by joining us in the process!" This ain't bad planet after we get rid of all the humans here I can get us a good deal for this planet."

Naruto yelled, "Me and Goku will never join your space pirate group!"

Goku yelled, "Yeah, we would rather die than be on your side."

Radtiz replied, " Than so be it"

Raditz first throws Krillin into the wall of the house. Than Goku and Naruto chrage at him. Raditz thens throws ki blast at them knocking them into the water after that Goku charges at Raditz, but gets kicked in the face. Knocking him down onto Naruto. Then Raditz grabs Gohan flying away and yelling, "If you want your son back you need to kill 100 people by tommarow!"

Goku and Naruto yell, "Gohan!"

Gohan yelled back, "Daddy, Naruto help me!"

Goku yelled, "Don't worry son I'll come find you and get you back!"

"How are you gonna get your back then Goku?" A familar voice said. Everybody looked in horror and saw Piccolo. Naruto and Goku were ready to fight but were intrrupted by Piccolo, "Im not here to fight, Im here to team up with you!"

Bulma said,"Goku don't trust him he might turn on you!"

Naruto interupted, "Bulma he are only chance of victory against this guy! He hates Raditz as much as we do Bulma with our combined powers we can beat Raditz." Bulma knew that Naruto was right so she talk anymore.

Goku asked, "So you want to team up!"

Piccolo replied, "Yes, but only to train myself so I can beat you!"

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