Part 5: The sayains clash.

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The battle field.

All 4 sayains were standing there away from each other. "Well should we go?" Sasuke said.

"Yeah follow me." Naruto said. Naruto took Sasuke towards Konaha.

"I wonder where he is going?" Krillin asked.

"It doesn't matter where their going Krillin. It just I want you to take Gohan to a safe place. Will you do that for me. Oh yeah and if I die tell Chi Chi I love her." Goku explained.

"Alright Goku, go beat that sayain up." Krillin said.

"Vegeta lets go!" Goku yelled. Vegeta laughed afterwards. Goku and Vegeta flew to wasteland.

"Kakarot how much more time do you need!" Vegeta yelled.

'Hmmmm, this seems like a good place.' Goku said in his mind. Goku and Vegeta landed on 2 seperate rocks.
Vegeta was on the taller one.

Over Konaha.

" we'll be there in a second Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke didn't respond. 'Man he might talk a lot of trash, but sure is the quite type.' Naruto thought. Naruto and Sasuke landed in the final valley. Naruto landed on the first hokeage stone head Hashirama. Sasuke landed on Madara's stone head like it was destined to be standed on by them.

"I been waiting 12 years to fight you Naruto!" Sasuke yelled.

"Yeah, this sure is gonna be a good fight!" Naruto yelled back. Both sayains started to get in their stances as soon as a leaf fell down and touch the water both sayains charged at each other.

Back at the wasteland.

"Wow Kakarot, you should be honored to fight an elite worrior like me!" Vegeta yelled.

"Nah I just glad I get to fight you Vegeta!" Goku yelled back. Both sayains went into their stances and charged right towards each other. Goku tried to hit Vegeta, but Vegeta came up behind and dropped kick Goku from the air.

"Come on Kakarot give me your best shot!" Vegeta yelled as Goku was trying to punch him. Vegeta kicked him away. " Is that your true power show me that kioken technique again like you did Nappa!" Vegeta demanded.

"Alright, but I warn you. You'll regret making this decision!" Goku yelled. Goku started to build up his muscles and power level to fight Vegeta. "KIOKEN!" Goku yelled. Goku was sorrounded by a red aura that made his muscles bulk and big.

 Goku charged at Vegeta and punched Vegeta right in the face causing Vegeta blood to come out of his mouth

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Goku charged at Vegeta and punched Vegeta right in the face causing Vegeta blood to come out of his mouth. Goku then charged at Vegeta and kicked Vegeta guts causing Vegeta to cough up blood. "KIOKEN X3!" Goku yelled as he flew straight to Vegeta and slammed him right into the ground causing him to cough up more blood.

Back at the final valley.

Naruto and Sasuke started to punch each other hard. Sasuke knocked Naruto back into the cliff. "KIOKEN!" Naruto shouted. The same exact that sorrounded Goku is now sorrounding Naruto.

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