Part 28: Training to become a Sage

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"See you then." Cell laughed.

"No, just wait! First explain to us why you really doing this! The truth Cell, your real objective! I just don't see what you hope to gain. This has to be some kind of trick, right?! Otherwise it doesn't make sense!" Boruto yelled.

"Must you always be so suspicious? I will hold the tournament simply to showcase the power of my perfect form. And I also hope to draw a challenger who can actually test my limits. I have no particular objective beyond that. I'm not interested in such vulgar pursuits as world conquest, even the purpose for which I was originally created, the defeat of Goku for Dr. Gero, at this point it seems trivial. You might say my only goal now is to enjoy myself. And of course, I enjoy nothing more than the looks of perfect error my power inspires on people's faces." Cell explained as Boruto and Trunks looked at him in fear. "That's it, that's the look. So long kids." Cell laughed as he flew away.

"Noooooooooooooo!" Trunks yelled as he transformed destroying everything on the island. Vegeta, Sasuke, and Krillin soon landed on the island where Trunks and Boruto were.

"Whoa, that's a relief. They're intact. Wait a minute what actually happened, I mean I don't see Cell." Krillin explained as he let go of Sasuke.

"He beat us." Trunks explained as he returned to base form. Boruto started to punch the ground.

"Look, whatever it is, it'll be okay, just tell us what happened." Krillin explained as they didn't answer.

"Where has he gone?" Vegeta asked.

"I'm sorry, he was too strong, nothing we had was good enough." Boruto explained.

"Of course not. What did you expect? If we couldn't defeat Cell, then a lesser fighter like you two never had a chance." Sasuke explained.

"Hey, how about you back off?! They held their own against Cell a heck a lot better than you two did!" Krillin yelled.

"That's enough Krillin!" Trunks yelled as he shook his head. Krillin nodded back.


"Piccolo boy, what happened?" Pa asked.

"Trunks and Boruto have escaped death." Piccolo explained.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Bulma cried.

"But how?" Tien asked.

'There's no question that their power was greater than his at the outset! But somehow, he was able to dominate the battle. And then for him to let them go rather than finish the fight! Damnit! What is he up to?' Piccolo thought in his mind.


"A martial arts tournament?!" Krillin asked.

"Yep." Boruto grunted.

"And he wants someone named Pain to face Naruto not too far away from the location." Trunks explained.

"You don't think he was serious, do you?" Krillin asked.

'Why do they always want to face Naruto, but not me?!' Sasuke said in his mind.

"Who in their right mind would even bother to enter?! No one's gonna step up if neither of you could cut it against him!" Krillin explained.

"No, I will! The minute Goku, Gohan, and Naruto come out, I'll go back in the hyperbolic time chamber and train myself some more." Trunks explained.

"None of you nor Cell and Pain will be needed actually. One more day of training in that chamber and I'll be more than Cell's equal. Take my word for it!" Vegeta explained.

"Me too. I will enter, as well." 16 explained.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Krillin yelled.

"But first, I beg you to take me to the Capsule corporation for repairs." 16 begged.

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