Part 15: The Raging beast of the saiyans

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"That's somebody for me, change now!" Ginyu yelled as he started to swap bodies with Piccolo.

"Piccolo!" Shikamaru yelled.

"I can't move!" Piccolo explained.

"Heads up!" Gohan yelled as he threw the frog into the beam. "Huh that was close." Gohan sighed.

"Yeah if I knew what happened." Piccolo explained.

"Huh my hands, my perfect feet, am I dreaming, ow, no that hurt, Im back!" Bulma shouted with joy.

"You know Bulma you should get out of here, it's super dangerous here-" krillin explained as a shockwave sended Bulma away. It was Goku and Frieza.  Goku tries to hit Frieza, but Frieza elbows Goku and hits him with his tail. Then Frieza punches Goku multiple times before he slams Goku down and knees Goku back up. Goku then lands on a rock in his stance. Frieza then concentrates energy into his fingers and swings them at Goku. Goku barely dodges it and looks at the straight line of destruction the power even split the water in half.

"I have to admit I can't win." Goku whispered to himself.

Naruto and Madara

Naruto summoned a bunch of clones to charge at Madara, but Madara gets rid of all the clones and punches Naruto in the gut and grabs him by the leg and swims him into a rock. Then Naruto charges at Madara, but Madara countered by pushing Naruto away with his rinnegan and came up behind Naruto and kicked him in the air. Then Naruto caught himself and landed on the ground.

"The only use is a rasengan with 20x times Kioken." Naruto whispered.

Goku and Frieza

Frieza went on the other side of the rock from Goku to get ready to finish the battle." There is good news and bad, good it seems you'll last a bit longer, the flip side you spend the rest of your time in extreme pain." Frieza explained.

"I got to raise my kioken all the way to times 20 somehow it's the only way, no clue how my body is gonna handle it though." Goku whispered. Frieza teleported hitting Goku multiple times. Then Frieza knocks Goku down. Then Frieza kicks Goku in the air. Then Frieza slams Goku down with his tail. Then Frieza charges at Goku and holds him and pushes him through the ground. Then Goku got up, but Frieza elbowed him into the ground. Goku gets up and leans on Frieza's shoulder.

"It's not over yet." Frieza explained.

Naruto and Madara

Madara charges at Naruto and slams him down into the ground and throws Naruto up and spits fireballs at him. Naruto catches himself and barley dodges the fireballs, but Madara comes from behind and knees Naruto back to the ground. Madara then punches Naruto multiple times before he kicks Naruto into the water. Then Madara threw Naruto out of the water.

"Pathetic." Madara said.

Goku and Frieza

Frieza grabbed Goku with his tail and threw him in the air. Goku landed into the water. Goku was losing his breath so he came up to the surface, but he quickly swam down because Frieza shot a ki blast at him. Goku tried to come up again, but Frieza fired more ki blast. Goku then went somewhere else to go up, but Frieza grabbed Goku and held Goku under the water. Goku then burst out the water with the kioken technique.

"I'll never give up!" Goku yelled.

Naruto and Madara

'Never give up, never give up, never give up.' A voice said in Naruto's head.

"Never give up." Naruto whispered as he got up. "Kioken!" Naruto yelled as the red aura sorrounded Naruto. Naruto then charged at Madara and punched him sends Madara back. Naruto the makes a rasengan and charges at Madara "Rasengan!" Naruto yelled and hit Madara. Madara is blocking it with all his might. Naruto finally lands the full Rasengan on Madara. Madara was sent to the ground which made a giant explosion. "Yes." Naruto cheered. The smoke started to clear with Madara breathing hard. A sad look started to take Naruto face as he came down with no hope left.

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