Part 13: Dende's death

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"Fourth gate, Gate of pain!" Guy yell

"What did he turn super saiyan!" Vegeta yelled.

"No you idiot it the eight inner gates, it a power that has eight parts known as gates. It is to say when you open the 8th gate you die." Shikamaru explained.

"I have a crazy feeling that they don't know what they're up against." Krillin said.

"So tell them that." Sasuke explained.

"I can't put finger on it, but I sense something different about Piccolo." Gohan explained.

"What do you mean?" Krillin asked.

" I mean that the Piccolo I know would never fight unless he knew he'll win." Gohan explained.

"You think they have a chance?" Krillin asked.

"Would you three cut the crap there's nothing different about your stupid green friend and there no way that big eyebrow guy thinks he can beat them with 8 stupid gates!" Vegeta explained.

"There something about Piccolo that reminds me of Nail." Dende explains.

"So yall are pretty tough huh, well it won't take us long for us to kill yall." Madara explained as Guy came up and kicked Madara away while Piccolo tried to punch Frieza, but Frieza went in the air. Piccolo followed him as Guy and Madara were in hand to hand combat. Guy kicks Madara by his head into the air then spikes Madara back to the ground. Piccolo and Frieza are making shockwaves of they're fist colliding together. Frieza backs up, but Piccolo charges at Frieza to punch him, but Frieza catches both of Piccolo's fist and Piccolo and him are trying to push each other over. Madara and Guy are fist fighting now. Madara is barley able to dodge Guy's fist. 'What's going on how come my sharingan ain't working good?' Madara said in his mind while Guy uppercuts Madara. Guy kicks Madara higher and higher each time before Guy spikes Madara to the ground. Then Guy comes down and kicks Madara in the gut from high in the air. Piccolo shoots lasers out of his eyes making Frieza dodging it then Piccolo knees Frieza then uppercutting Frieza into the air.

"Wow Piccolo is winning!" Gohan yelled.

"I can't believe what I see Guy is beating him!" Shikamaru explained.

"These idiots think Frieza and Madara are finished." Sasuke whispered as Frieza and Piccolo went to fighting again. Piccolo kicks Frieza by his chin. Before Piccolo can chase him Frieza appears and tries to punch Piccolo, but Piccolo blocks it. Now Madara and Guy are still fighting. Guy swings Madara into a mountain multiple times. Then Madara kicks Guy to get away then Madara uses the fireball justu. Guy barley dodges the fireball by jumping in the air, but Madara appears behind and tries to kick Guy, but Guy turns around and dodges it while kicking Madara in the ribs. Frieza holds Piccolo against a mountain while Frieza shoots a barrage of ki blast right in front of Piccolo while Madara punches Guy in the gut and kicking him to a mountain holding Guy. Madara then spits a barrage of fireballs right at Guy face to face.

"Well who's next or should we choose?" Frieza asked as Madara came next to him. Piccolo and Guy then emerges from the smoke.

"Ahh they're alive!" Gohan yelled for joy.

"You surprise me my friend I thought I ended you there." Frieza laughed as Vegeta flew off. Then Frieza appeared in front of him. "You know Vegeta I really hate it when somebody leaves without saying goodbye." Frieza laughed as Vegeta flew off again and Frieza did the same, teleported in front of Vegeta. "Vegeta I wish all of your sayain friends were here to see the almighty prince Vegeta cornered like a mouse. We'll deal with you and Sasuke after we deal with your Namekian and big eye brow friends." Frieza explained as he punched Vegeta really hard in the gut then punching Vegeta into a mountain. "Pardon me for the interuption  I just had to take care of something." Frieza explained as Piccolo didn't respond. "Allow me to wipe that smug look off your face." Frieza said as he charged at Piccolo as Guy charged at Madara. Piccolo and Frieza started to enter hand to hand combat while Guy and Madara were creating shockwaves from Guy's punches alone.

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