Part 12: Piccolo and Guy arrive

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"Alright then." Dende said as he spoke in Namekian to summon the dragon.

" Dende said as he spoke in Namekian to summon the dragon

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"What the!" Sasuke yelled as looked out the window.

"What is it?" Vegeta asked.

"They summoned the dragon!" Sasuke replied back.

"What!?" Vegeta shouted.

"State your 3 wishes." The dragon said.

"Did you hear that guys we get to make 2 extra wishes!" Krillin said joyfully.

"Alright then I want you to bring back everybody that was killed by the Saiyans on Earth." Krillin said. Dende then said the same thing in Namekian.

"You can only bring back 2 people at a time." The dragon explained.

"Here lets wish Piccolo and Guy back and transport them here to fight againist Frieza and Madara." Gohan said. Then Dende said the sane exact thing and brought Piccolo and Guy to planet Namek.

"Stop it now!" Vegeta yelled as him and Sasuke landed near them.

"You wasted our wish!" Sasuke yelled.

"Hold on there is still one wish left!" Shikamaru yelled.

"Alright then make the dragon wish us immortal!" Vegeta shouted.

"Its only in Namekian language so he has to do it!" Gohan explained.

"Alright then you need encouragement, tell the dragon to make us immortal!" Sasuke yelled as he picked up Dende by his clothing. Then the dragon balls turned into stone.

"What happened?!" Vegeta yelled.

"It seems Guru has passed on." Shikamaru explained.

"And now its your time to pass." Madara said as him and Frieza landed near them.

Somewhere on Namek

"Well it looks like this is Namek." Guy said.

"It doesn't matter because Im back in action!" Piccolo yelled as he flew off.

"Wait!" Guy yelled as he followed Piccolo

The battle feild

"So there ain't no power reading on the Ginyu force." Madara explained.

"So it is true somehow you wimps beat the most elite fighting team in the universe what a fuss I only wish I could of been there to see the look on Ginyu's face!" Frieza laughed.

"What do you say we get started, we know that you all are anxious to resolve this once and for all." Madara explained as they went off the ledge.

"We always knew that yall would turn on us Vegeta and Sasuke, but we never knew when, now we see yall to see the stakes getting high enough to play yalls hand, a good effort, but in the end it just didn't work now did it? We hope yall enjoyed a little beating because now its over our restless little worriors! Now you all die! We should of done this a long time ago yall ruined everything you little scumbags! How dare you stick your nose in our business, we could of been immortal we hate yall!" Frieza shouted.

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