Part 16: The fall of Frieza and Madara

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Goku and Frieza

"What is this, what has this saiyan become? I thought they only transform into great apes? But this is no great ape!?" Frieza explained.

"Move as fast as you can if Piccolo dies, Kami dies, I don't think I have to remind you what that would mean." Goku explained.

"What do you mean?" Gohan asked.

"Go now, take Piccolo with you and get out of here, find Bulma and the ship and go!" Goku explained as Gohan did nothing, "Do as I tell you, before I lose any sense of reason I have left!" Goku yelled.

"Ok, I'll see you at home." Gohan replied as he picked up Piccolo and flew away "Dad your the greatest thank you for everything, I'll be waiting, I know you and Naruto will get home safe and sound." Gohan said as he flew towards the spaceship.

Naruto and Madara

"What, where is the nine tails? His hair shouldn't be gold, he should have red fox eyes with a cloak around him, not green fox eyes with golden hair!?" Madara explained.

"Hinata take Guy and find Bulma, then go find my ship and take off with the others, I won't be joining you." Naruto explained.

"But how are you gonna get home?" Hinata asked.

" Go now, before this anger cuts loose and sends out the nine tails! Now damnit I already lost my first and best friend, I can't afford to lose you!" Naruto explained.

"Ok." Hinata replied as she grabbed Guy and flew towards Gohan. "Naruto I hope you'll make it home to us. Wow Naruto, a super saiyan he's would be the best person ever." Hinata explained as she flew off.

"Now as for you!" Naruto grunted.

Goku and Frieza

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Im not letting you get away that easy, what fools." Frieza explained as he pointed at Gohan. Goku then teleported right in front of Frieza.

"What the!?" Frieza said as Goku grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"You and Madara are the scums of the universe and me and Naruto are getting sick of it." Goku grunted as he squeezed harder. "How many innocent people, how many of my friends have to die before you and Madara stop!" Goku grunted.

"Ahhhh!" Frieza yelled as he tried to pull away, but he couldn't.

"You killed Krillin, you killed my best friend!" Goku grunted as Frieza made a vortex around them. Then Goku finally let go and let Frieza back away.

"How could he attain so much power?" Frieza asked as he looked at Goku. "No don't tell me, no please not that!" Frieza yelled in fear.

Naruto and Madara

"Damn fool where do you think your going!" Madara yelled as he charged at Hinata, but Naruto teleported and punched Madara back to the ground. Naruto came down and walked slowly towards Madara.

"Im sick of tire of you Madara, its time to finish what the first hokage couldn't!" Naruto grunted. Madara started to shoot fireballs at Naruto, but Naruto deflected them with ease. "How many innocent people have you killed over time, how many more of my friends have to die!" Naruto grunted. Madara started to back away more. "You kill my first and best friend and your not gonna take Hinata away from me!" Naruto shouted as he teleported behind Madara and grabbed him by his hair.

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