Part 22: A Namekian Fusion

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"Krillin!" Naruto shouted.

"Oh boy it's Naruto!" Krillin cheered.

"What the hell happened here?" Naruto asked.

"About that." Krillin said with his hands on his head.

"Well don't just stand there where are the senzu beans?!" Naruto yelled.

"Right here!" Krillin explained as he grabbed a couple of senzu beans and handed them to Naruto. Then Krillin and Naruto flew down and gave everybody a senzu bean.

"What?! You're telling me the Androids know about senzu beans too?!" Piccolo questioned.

"It doesn't make sense, if these things are really out to get us, why not finish us off and be done with it?" Tien asked.

"Because they want me and Goku." Naruto explained.

"We're already seen enough the proof. They just been toying wit us from the start. They humiliated us just from the sport of it!" Piccolo yelled as Vegeta and Sasuke flew off. Trunks and Boruto tried to chase them.

"No use of chasing them, Trunks, Boruto! It'd be best to let them go. Vegeta and Sasuke's whole points in driving themselves to become super saiyans was to try to win they're confidence back. Now of all things, the two men have been soundly beaten by a female, Android or not, the harshest wound is to they're worrior pride." Piccolo explained.

"We all got beat, our combined strength wasn't even enough to put a dent into those things." Tien explained.

"Yeah right, sorry guys, if I hadn't frozen when the rest of yo jumped in maybe things might have turned out a little differently, you know?" Krillin explained.

"Boruto, Trunks I thought yall said we would die in a battle just like this?" Kakashi asked.

"That's right. They were suppose to kill you! But why didn't they?" Boruto questioned.

"Boruto we messed with time, so we changed the Androids behavior by a lot." Trunks explained. "Once again, these things, aren't exactly the same Androids we're used to dealing with either." Trunks explained.

"Now what are you talking about?" Piccolo asked.

"The ones that we fought in our time weren't anywhere near this powerful. We weren't strong enough to beat them, but at least we were somewhat evenly matched." Trunks explained.

"Great, so it's even worse than we thought. What are we supposed to do now?" Tien asked.

"Well first things first, you six should get to Goku's house, take him some place the Androids can't find him. Whatever our next move is we need to keep Goku safe until he's well enough to join us." Piccolo explained.

"Sounds like a start, wait just the six of us? What exactly are you planning to do?" Krillin asked.

"Good question." Piccolo replied.

"Hey, you've obviously got something in mind, so fill us in. No sense keeping us in the dark. Last time I checked we were all in this together." Krillin explained.

"Oh is that so? And when did I agree to that?! Don't make mistakes of thinking that we were ever friends!" Piccolo yelled as he made a explosion to fly off. "If we have a temporary truce between us, it's only because it furthers my goal of world domination! Never forget that!" Piccolo yelled as he flew off.

"Perfect, we shoulda seen that one coming, once a bad guy, always a bad guy. And there is no denying that Piccolo used to be a real terror, just like his father was all those years ago. Why did we trust him? This whole time he's just been using all of us as his pawns!" Tien explained.

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