Part 25: One year training countdown starts

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Master Roshi's

"Kay, I'm gonna train til I can go higher than a super saiyan." Goku explained.

"You're serious?! Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?! How do you know that it's even possible?" Roshi asked.

"I guess I don't. But I think it's the only chance we have to win this time, I have to try. I'll give it a year. If I can't do it by then, I'll try something else." Goku explained.

"One year?! But we don't have that long!" Roshi explained.

"It'll be alright, the place I'm going, you can get a year's worth of training in a day. And ChiChi, I think it'd be good if Gohan came along, too, okay?" Goku asked.

"You mean my boy! Well, not on your life, mister! At least, that's what I would say, if I thought would make a difference. It's not like I have a choice! So you just have to promise me you'll win, okay? " Chi Chi asked.

"Deal." Goku replied.

"But, afterwards, when all of this is finished and the world is safe again, I am not going to let anything else get in the way of Gohan's studies, got it? And you are going to stay home and help me out with some house work!" Chi Chi explained.

" Thanks Chi Chi." Goku said as they looked at each other. "Well, im off." Goku said as he used instant transmission to teleport into the air craft.

Air craft

"Hey is this the fastest we can go?" Guy asked.

"Yep." Yamcha replied.

"How are we gonna make it before Cell runs off again? Darn it!" Guy yelled.

"Ah, if only Goku were here." Krillin said as Goku appeared behind him.

"Goku?!" Piccolo yelled.

"Yeah, right we need him." Krillin said as everyone looked at Goku.

"Goku?!" Naruto yelled.

"You know, he could use his instant transmission." Krillin explained.

"Oh! Dad!" Gohan yelled as Krillin turned around.

"Go, Ku." Krillin said.

"Hey, what's up." Goku replied as Krillin charged at Goku and made the back of the air craft break. Soon Naruto repaired the walls and Goku was now back in action.

"Man it's good to see you! So when'd you wake up? Does this mean your cured?! You don't look sick anymore. You're all better?" Krillin asked.

"Sure, unless you count being hungry." Goku laughed.

"Hungry, yep sounds like you're back to your old self again." Krillin laughed.

"Yep, I've never felt better. Really." Goku said as he looked at Goku and started pad his head. "It's okay Gohan." Goku said.

"My Dad's back!" Gohan yelled.

"Hey, Kamiccolo!" Goku yelled.

"Listen, we combined powers, not our names. From now on, just stick with Piccolo. If you know what's best for you." Piccolo explained.

"Okay, then, Piccolo?" Goku asked.

"That's enough." Piccolo said as Goku laughed.

"Look, I hate to say it, but there's no way I'd be able to beat this "Cell" or the other androids right now. They're too strong. I need to take Gohan and Naruto and do some training. I was thinking we'd go to that place where you can do a year's worth of training in a day." Goku explained.

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