Part 3: Training begins

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Here we go chapter 3 baby! This is gonna be a good one

In other world

Kamisama has brought Goku and Naruto to see king Yama the judge of where you go to Heaven or Hell. "King Yama meet king Kai a long time ago on snake way" Kamisama said

 "King Yama meet king Kai a long time ago on snake way" Kamisama said

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Both sayains yell, "What, why don't we just train with king Yama then!"

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Both sayains yell, "What, why don't we just train with king Yama then!"

King Yama says happily, "Why thank you do you want to start now?"

Kamisama explains, "Well king Kai is much stronger if you 2 travel across snake way."

King Yama says, "Kami I heard that!"

Kami apologizes, "Sorry King Yama!"

King Yama explains, "Are you 2 ready to travel the longest way in the universe!"

Naruto said, "Well it can't be that long can it?"

Kamisama explains, "It takes more than a year if you just walk there. So I advise you run at your fastest way possible."Before Kamisama could say anything else Naruto and Goku race towards snake way.

Both sayain yell, " See you in 1 year Kamisama!" Before not being to be seen anymore.

Kamisama yells, "Don't fall off you won't be able to get back up!"As Naruto and Goku race towards King Kai.

Naruto said, " Man I can't wait to meet King Kai."

Goku replied back, "Yeah me too were gonna get so strong that not even the sayains can't beat us!"

As Naruto and Goku go for King Kai somebody has started to train back on Earth. Piccolo brought Gohan to an unknown place. Now while Piccolo tries to wake up Gohan. Gohan didn't move a muscle, Finally Piccolo yelled, "Wake Up!!!" Gohan blasted up crying in tears.

Gohan whined, "Hey where my Daddy and Naruto green man!"

Piccolo replied, "Your father and Naruto are dead."

Gohan whined, "No they can't be dead!"

Piccolo replied, "Quit whining just wait year and they'll be back with the dragon balls, but for now I will be training you to fight the sayains in 1 year!"Gohan whined even more when he heard the word "Training"
Gohan was quickly hushed by Piccolo saying, "Quit whining or else I'll give you something to whine about! You have great power within you Gohan!"

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