Part 8: Sasuke's Mangekyo sharingan awakens

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Guru's house.

"Excuse me." Krillin asked Guru.

"Frieza and Madara's wicked men. Because of them most of my children have been killed." Guru explained."They won't stop this wicked nonsense until they get all 7 dragon balls." Guru explained. "To Namekians the dragon balls are symbols of wisdom and power. But Frieza and Madara only sees them as tool to serve their greed."

"Forgive us for being blunt mr. Guru, but that exactly why we came here to ask you for your dragon ball so we can hide it from Frieza." Shikamaru explained. "I won't let them get their hands on that dragon ball and that's a promise." Shikamaru explained.

"I see so you both too are collecting the dragon balls."

"Yes, but our motives are for good and not evil like Frieza and Madara." Shikamaru explained.

"Shikamaru and Krillin lost several of their friends he wants to wish them back. They died by fighting these evil men on Earth and if they return maybe they helps us strive them off of our planet." Dende explained.

"How was it do you know the dragon balls?" Guru asked.

"We used to have another set on Earth." Shikamaru explained.

"Impossible ." Guru said.

"A long time ago a terrible storm hit that devestated your planet their was one man who was able to escape. He left Namek on a space ship it took him half way across the universe to my planet. He might of been a child when he got there, but he grew up to be the guardian of the Earth. He is the one who created the dragon balls." Shikamaru explained.

"Ah yes I remember now, the child of Katas, Kami, pleased to hear that he made the journey safely. He was a gifted child from the dragon family he had the power to create the dragon balls." Guru said.

"Kami was killed during our battle with the sayains and the two who are responsible are Vegeta and Sasuke the same ones here on Namek." Shikamaru explained.

"Ahh, these sayains be horrible indeed what awful powers. One that could kill a Namek like Kami should of been a super saiyan." Guru explained.

"Ugh a super saiyan whats that!?" Krillin asked.

"You mean you don't know, please come closer and I will solve this puzzle." Guru explained as Krillin came over and Guru put his hand on Krillin's head and said, "Now clear your mind so I can reveal your past."

"Ugh ok?" Krillin said confused.

In Krillin's imigination.

Kami is sleeping in bed and falls over and king Piccolo emerges. Then Piccolo goes on a rampage and kills master Roshi's clan.

"Before Kami could become guardian of the earth he had to split his evil self into two beings. His powers were split equally so he became weaker." Guru explained.

"Ughh really?" Krillin said.

"Now then I've seen your line, your heart is pure and your attentions are true, you bravely and your loyalty to your friends are beyond question, now you are worthy to take this dragon ball." Guru explained.

"Krillin!" Dende yelled in joy.

"Wow thank you sir! You don't know what this means to me, thank you!" Krillin said in joy.

"Thats one down six to go." Shikamaru said.

"I only hope there still time to make your wish." Guru said.

"What do you mean sir?" Shikamaru asked.

"I only have a few days left to live. If your wish wants to fulfilled you have to make it before I go. However if I die the dragon balls goes with me." Guru explained

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