Part 26: Cell's Perfect Form

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"Blast it all! it's like they've both just disappeared! With the amount of damage that 16 sustained, they couldn't have made it very far. And with my superior speed, I should have easily overtaken them by now." Cell explained as he stopped and flew up. "If they're not in the air, that means they chosen to hide rather than run. They could have landed on any of these islands. Alright" Cell said as he started to breath deeply. "Android 18! Show yourself! Do you hear me, 18?! If you do not come out of hiding, I will begin destroying these islands, one by one! My patience with you is wearing thin! Do not test me! If you believe that you are safe because I have yet to achieve my perfect form, think again! If I cannot have you, 18, I will destroy you! As it stands, my power is already without equal! I do not need you! I know you can hear me, 18! Come out, immediately! 18! Where are you?! If you don't come out, I will destroy everyone of these islands! I will not hesitate!" Cell yelled.

16 and 18

"He's got us." 18 grunted.

"Don't listen to him, 18. We are safe here, reaching his perfect form is his only objective. Despite what he says, he will not take any action that risks destroying you." 16 explained.


"Alright, 18. If this is what you want, then I have no choice, do I? I suppose this island should be as good a place as any to start." Cell said as he shot the island and blew the whole island up.


"So then, Cell's starting the fireworks early." Vegeta said.


"Goku! Hey! I wanted to say, you know, good luck in there." Bulma said.

"Goku, Naruto, the time chamber can be a very harsh place. I hope all three of you are ready." Mr. Popo explained as he opened the door and let them inside.

"Wait!" A voice yelled.

"What?!" Shikamaru yelled as Tusnade landed on the tower along with two frogs.

"Where's Naruto?" Tsunade asked.

"In the time chamber." Shikamaru replied.

"I have to say something to him! It's about Jiraya!" Tsunade cried.

"Wait you mean the old man with the long white hair?" Piccolo asked.

"What happened?" Bulma asked.

"He's dead. He died in combat against a powerful foe even more powerful than Goku. And unfortunately he was revived by the dragon balls before, so he can't be revived again." Tsunade cried.

"No way! Someone beat a legendary Sanin?!" Shikamaru yelled.

"So we need Naruto boy right away!" Pa yelled.

"Well, I'm so sorry, but you won't be able to interfere with they're training until one day has pass." Mr. Popo explained. "So all you have to do is sit here and wait." Mr. Popo explained.

"Naruto, loved that man to death, imagine what's he going to do once he finds out." Tsunade cried.

Time chamber

"Wow! It's so bright in here. And, my body feels heavy, and, it's kinda hard to breathe." Gohan explained.

"Yep, and not only that, but once the door is closed, we're completely cut off from contact with the outside world. Here try sensing Cell's energy, or Vegeta's. I think you'll see what I mean." Goku explained as Gohan tried to sense Cell. Naruto also tried since he was never in the chamber before.

"Woah! I can't sense anything at all!" Naruto yelled.

"You're right, I don't feel anything!" Gohan explained.

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