Chapter I "An Unintentional Grizwald Family Vacation"

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Note: This will be the start of a SERIES.
Although this first installment is set in The Haunted universe, the series WILL NOT revolve around The Haunted.
After I am finished with this book, I will start on the next one.
For now, all I can say is,
"Greenfield" (;

"I found out long ago, it's a long way down, the Holiday Road."

- Lindsey Buckingham

I fall on the ground with a thud.


After getting up and resting a hand on my aching back, I look around at my surroundings.

"Wha-" I attempt to speak, stopping when I hear my own voice, it seeming somehow unfamiliar.
"Where- where am I?" I finally manage to let out.
"Wait, who am I???"
'I should have a name, shouldn't I?' I thought.

"I guess I'll, give myself a name?"
"Uh... Jack? No... Adrian? Nah..." I listed off to myself, whilst my eyes darted around in thought, unfocused.

"Wait, oh, I know! George!" I blurted out, breaking the momentary silence.
"Wait, no..." I say in-confidently, changing my mind.

I then gasped in realization, pointing upwards.
"That's it!" I exclaimed, snapping my fingers.
"Samuel!" I said confidently
"Yeah... Samuel..." I repeated, nodding satisfactorily.

Then, out of nowhere, I noticed something, probably no more than 20 or 30 feet in front of me, flickering.
"What the...?" I slowly began, as I began inching towards the object cautiously.
After a moment, my slow walk became a jog, before slowing back down to a gentle halt as I approached the strange object.
It was a small, wooden blue box, with a sign at the top on each side that read, 'POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX'.

The way it quickly and sporadically phased back and forth between visible and invisible was reminiscent of a glitch in a video game.
On the ground laid a pair of keys.
I picked them up and located a keyhole.
It fits in, and I turned the key clockwise.
The door still wouldn't open.
I stood confused for a moment, before realizing my moment of stupidity.
"Oh, right, duh."
I reinserted turned the keys; this time turning them counterclockwise.
The door makes an audible click, and I open it...

I peer through the door in amazement.
"Woooooaah!!! This is aweso- wait a minute..." I begin with awe, before suddenly realizing something.
I quickly glance at the side of the outside of the box, then back at the interior.

'Is it? Smaller on the outside???'
'What? How is that-? How is that even, possible???'

Still curious, I step inside, and close the doors behind me.
I ran up to a large, futuristic control panel, with tens, maybe even hundreds of lights, dials, switches, levers, and other, strange looking instruments.
Me, being a naive idiot, did the ol'
'I wonder what this 'so-and-so' does!' and flip a big lever.
The moment I flick it down, I'm knocked back, down onto the floor.
All kinds of noises fill my ears, lights flashing and blinking.
Then, some kind of alarm goes off. Once again, I'm knocked onto the ground.
This time, I go unconscious...

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu