Chapter XXIX "The Great(ish) Escape"

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"Everybody in the whole cell block, was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock."

- Elvis Presley

Samuel's perspective

After a few minutes of walking, we came upon a horse.
The man took a rope from one of the saddlebags, and then forced me on the ground with my hands behind my back, and hogtied me, before heaving me up onto the back his horse, and finally securing me with the leftover rope.
"Can I atleast know your name?" I asked, as the man got onto the horse.


No answer.

After a while of experiencing what felt like a malfunctioning Disneyland ride going hyper speed, we finally approached a gate, and a big one at that.

The man on the horse shouted up to the other guards, and the gate slowly opened.
The man got off and hitched the horse, as two guards unsecured me from it and not-so-carefully pulled me off.

We went into a rickety door on the side of the castle.
It was a dungeon.
They unlocked one of the many empty cells, opened it, pushed me in, then closed and locked it.

'Crap.' I thought to myself.

By now, I was starting to feel a little tired, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep...

I quickly woke back up again.
But something was different.
Everything looked... off...
And I had a strange feeling...
A want...

A want for blood.

I reached out my hand and blasted the cell door off it's hinges, before turning my head to the now speechless guard.
I again reached out my hand, making a grasping and lifting motion.
I squeezed my hand as tight as I could, soon the guard began choking.
As his consciousness faded I looked him dead in the eye.
Those beautifully fearful eyes.
He passed out, and I let him drop to the ground, before doing something I had never done before.
I teleported.
But then my enjoyment ended.
A horrible pain entered my head, before quickly going away.
My vision went back to normal, and it was then that I realized.

It was getting worse.
Far worse.
I had to do something.

Before I tried to hurt anyone else.

I had to find the others...

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now