Chapter II "Is This Skyrim?"

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"California dreamin', on such a winter's day."

- The Mamas & The Papas/Barry McGuire

When I came to, I saw the doors slightly ajar, with light shining in.

I groaned as I got up.
"What in the name of the Clinton Administration happened?"
For some reason the next thing I do is flick the lever I pulled, back to its original position.
Maybe I thought it would make the aches and pains go away? I don't know...
Anyways, realizing that nothing happened, and that all the lights are off, I assumed that whatever power source this, """blue box""" used, was probably depleted.

I stepped outside into what appeared to be a forest.
Almost as if on cue, I heard nearby yelling.
I decided to run towards the source, tripping out of the forest onto a gravel path.

I get up, to be greeted by a man with a sword pointed at my face.
"Who are you?" He demands
"AH!" I squirm backwards into a tree
"Woah, woah, woah, hey, hey, hey, look please just don't hurt me alright!"
"Just put the... uh..." I glanced at his weapon, to make sure that it was indeed a sword, as not to seem awkward if it happens to not actually be a sword for, whatever reason.
"Your, sword down... I won't hurt you, unless you hurt me, alright?"
"Why should I believe you?" The man asked.
"Because... the circumference of the sun is equal to the mass of one star?" I replied uneasily.
"Wha- what?

'Oh no, not another crazed lunatic with medieval weaponry...'
The second man had a very odd appearance, he had black patches on his skin, and wore clothing that looked far less rugged than what the blonde was wearing.

"Are you alright?" The strange man asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just this random weirdo..." the blonde man replied.
"Weirdo? Weirdo?!? Says the one that greeted me by waving a sword in my face and demanding who I am!" I yelled.
"Speaking of which, the name's Samuel." I answered.

"Is he with the Empire?" The two continued, giving only a brief glance towards me.
"I don't know."

"Wait a minute..." I quietly began out loud.
It was then that I noticed something about one of them.
One of their eyes...
It was... white...
My heart rate almost instantly shot up, and I panicked internally.
'But, he's a myth! A legend!' I thought.
'He-! He's... real...? Wait... that means..'
"Oh, my notch cRAAAP YOU'RE H- H- H- H- HEROBRI-" One of them quickly covered my mouth before I could finish my sentence.
"Don't. Say it."
He uncovered my mouth.
"What was that for? I- wait, do you mean, ∷ᒷ⟍̅ᔑᓵℸ ̣ᒷ⟍̅?"
"Oh, my Notch..." He facepalmed.
All of a sudden, the other person behind the "sword wielding blonde man", put his hands to his head and grunted in pain.
"Hey, uh, is... Is he alright?" I asked.
"Drake! Are you alright?" the blonde said as he turned around.

'Ok, so, the "sword wielding blonde man", is "Grayson"... and the one with black patches on his skin and the "can't say it word" eye is "Drake"? Alright, makes sense so far.' I thought to myself.
Then in a blast of... something? Both me and "Grayson" were knocked backwards onto the ground.

I look up, and standing there before me was the aforementioned "Drake" person, with his eye now... glowing?

'What? Oh, wait, is he? Oh... he's... possessed, isn't he? Where's Egon Spengler when you need him?'

I get confirmation of my theory, when I hear what is probably the most evil voice in history, come out of what I was guessing was supposed to be his friend.

"How, interesting..." a demonic voice began.
"I don't know who you are, but whoever you are, you shouldn't be a part of this."
"I highly suggest you forget everything you've seen, and don't try to intervene with my plans for these mortal fools."
"And if I don't?" I asked, nervously.
"You'll find out for yourself what happens..." the demon answered.

Out of the brief silence, I heard another voice, a female one this time.
I turned around, glancing at them.
She looked somewhat younger than the other two, but not by much, she had the same medieval style clothing as the others, with the only real noticeable difference being a bow and quiver on her back.
'Where are all these generic Skyrim NPCs coming from?' I thought.
"What the-? Draaaake?", the girl said slowly.
The possessed body began levitating into the air.
"Oh no..." I said slowly.
He then formed a fireball in his hands, before hurling it at me.
I quickly ducked and closed my eyes and heard a loud 'BOOM!' as it barely missed me and hit a tree.

"Run!" Grayson yelled, grabbing the girl's arm.

I take the advice as well and follow behind them into the forest.

"Hey, uh, Grayson, is it?" I ask, my voice shaking.

An arrow narrowly misses my head and hits a tree.
"I think your friend is... uh... a little possessed." I say as I hear the 'BOOM!' of another fireball.

"Who ya gonna call???", I ask awkwardly.

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now