Chapter XVIII "The Dream"

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"I have to tell you about the future!"

- Marty McFly | Back to the Future Part 1

Drake's perspective

"Drake..." a just barely audible voice called out.

"Drake." It repeated, slightly louder.

That voice...

It sounds so familiar...

"Drake!" I was shaken awake, as the familiar voice called out once more.
"AH!" I screamed, startled.

Staring right at me were a pair of light blue eyes.

"Drake! Listen to me! There's no room for chitchat! I don't have much time, so listen very carefully! Got it?"
"Armen! Yo- you're-!"
"Listen Drake!" I had never heard Armen yell like that before, so it made me shut up.
"There's no time for all that Drake!"

"You remember when He was supposedly killed by the sword appearing out of thin air?"
"Yes, but-"
"Do you remember what He said right before the sword appeared?"
"Something about me not liking him?"
"What else?" Armen questioned.
"I- I don't remember." I responded.

"He said he thought it was 'time someone else got aquatinted with him'..."
"In other words, he decided to transfer his soul from your body to another."

"He chose Samuel." Armen said.

"But because the spell was interrupted, instead of transferring the soul of an existing demon, it created a demon."
"Slowly but surely, Samuel is becoming a demon."

"His very soul itself is undergoing a transformation, it's changing the very way he thinks."

"Drake, nothing like this has happened in the history of magic."
"Because of that, there is no known way to reverse the effects, not even I know."

"As he changes, his behavior could become unpredictable."
"I don't know if he'll necessarily harm you, but it's a very real possibility."

"And one last thing, there's something you'll be needing, in Samuel's left... No wait... Right pocket, there will be a gold or brass colored, strangely shaped key."
"Go to "where it all began", there will be a strange box in the vegetation off the path, open the doors with that key, inside will be console."

"Now listen to me ok, ONLY TOUCH the GREEN BUTTON on the UPPER LEFT SIDE of a panel FACING DIRECTLY AWAY from the entrance and NOTHING ELSE."
"A small device will pop out of that same panel on the RIGHT side, that device will be able to help you." Armen finished.

"Alright, you got all that?" Armen asked.
"Can you repeat all that again? I wasn't listening." I spoke.

"Well crap, there goes that plan..." He murmured
"Just-, Look, I gotta go. alright? You'll figure it out on your own." Armen said as everything faded away.

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now