Chapter VI "A Spectral Typist"

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"Hi, Lloyd. Little slow tonight, isn't it?"

Outside the small shack, l gazed upon my options for the next place to loot.

Across the path, behind another house, covered in vegetation, stood a small stone brick structure.

'Ooooh, that looks like it might have something!' I thought.

I walked over to it, and walked in though the remnants of what must have been a door, into a dark room.

At the back wall, stood a table, with a candle, and a typewriter.

I walked up to the typewriter to read the aged piece of paper, still clamped by the feeding mechanism.

"All work" I read.

" 'All work'... 'All work' what?"

I jumped at the sudden sound

"What the?"

Tick tick, tick, tack, tick, tick tick titititick tick tick, tack!
I backed away quickly, but gradually slowed my movement backwards as it typed away.


I cautiously walked back towards it to see what it had typed.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

T I C K !

It sprung back to life once again, this time typing faster.

Tick tick tick tick tick titititititick tick tick tick!-

It kept repeating the same sentence, over and over, faster and faster, louder and louder, until the ribbon was moving so fast it snapped in half and was shredded into little bits by the hammers hitting the paper.

I backed up and was about to run, when I turned my head and saw hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions, of pieces of paper, with the same sentence imprinted onto all of them.


I glanced back at the typewriter, now going so fast that I was wondered if the metal hammers would snap in half from the force.

The ink ribbon was gone but the letters kept appearing onto the paper with every smack of each hammer.

I turned back around and saw the door, now with the classic "hallway looks longer than it was" illusion.

I started sprinting down the hallway towards the door.
(Jermey Clarkson would be proud.)

and bursted through it.

Directly into Drake Mia and Grayson...


"What the-? Samuel? what in the name of Jeb-?"

"Do NOT. Go in THERE..." I said as I pointed to where I had just come out of.

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now