Chapter VIII "Benny Hill Is Me"

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*Saxophone intensifies*

- Chet Atkins

We ran,
In fact, we ran for probably a solid 10 minutes.

Eventually we all come to an old hut by a river.
The door is already broken down, so we decided to hide inside.
I peek out from the doorway to see if we lost the creature.
"It looks like it's gone now." I relay to the others, breathing heavily.
I then noticed the "detector" was no longer detecting anything.
Knowing it has a battery indicator, I turn it off in attempt to preserve its charge.

After searching the hut, but ultimately finding nothing, we all decide to exit, cautiously double-checking that everything's clear.

"Hey, Grayson, wait a minute, doesn't this place look familiar?" Drake asks.
"Now that you mention it, it does look very-" Grayson responds, pausing himself mid-sentence, inspecting his surroundings.

"Hold on, this is Iron Mere! isn't it?" Grayson continues.
"My Notch, you're right. It is!" Drake says in realization.
"Iron what?" I ask in confusion
"Iron Mere." Grayson repeats

"What in the Nether is a "Mere"? Is it a type of French delicacy?" I ask.
"I said, what is a-"
"Wait, what did I say?" Strangely, despite saying it only seconds ago, I had somehow forgotten what it was that I had said.

"Eh, probably wasn't important." I decide.

We walk around the abandoned town, looking for anything of value or significance, but again, we find nothing.
Well, not me, Drake, or Grayson anyways...
Mia found an old book about the history of oak trees. It was so boring, it made IBM service manuals look like comic books by comparison.

As we were about to leave,
Drake suddenly cried out in pain from behind us.
He was on his knees, one hand on a wall,

The other on his head...

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now