Chapter XXV "Who Ya Gonna Call?"

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"Why worry? Each of us are only wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on our backs."

- Bill Murray A.K.A. "Dr. Raymond Stanz"

Samuel's perspective

It wasn't long before I started my search for the others.
I first tried searching for the house we had temporarily settled into, but just as I had done before, I had gotten lost.
Until I reached a familiar place...
"Wait, this is that 'Town With No Name'!" I shouted in excited realization.

It was then that I remembered the strange object I had found previously, and hadn't taken.
'Could whatever was help me?' I thought.

But before I could think about anything more, a voice yelled "NOW!!! THAT'S THE MAN! GET HIM!".
Suddenly, nearly 12 men rushed out of various hiding places, and charged at me.
"AHHHHHH!" I yelled in fear.

Out of nowhere, one jumped from a tree towards me, their sword pointed straight at me, and no way for me to avoid it in time.
I shut my eyes, expecting my possible fate...

But after a few seconds of silence, I opened eyes to see all the men, now frightened.
I then realized I had my hand outstretched, pointing in the direction the man had been coming from.
In the distance, a mangled, severely bleeding body was lying on the ground, entirely lifeless, having been violently smashed into a stone brick structure.

Before I could begin to understand what had happened, it hit me.
I had telekinesis.
'No way...' I thought in disbelief.

I reached out my hand towards one of the mercenaries, and I tried making a grabbing and lifting motion.
Sure enough, the mercenary was lifted roughly 20 feet off the ground, and started struggling in the air, begging to be let down.
Still holding them, I brought my hand back inwards ever so slightly, then abruptly pushed it back away from me, while making my palm flat, as if shoving something away.

The mercenary went absolutely flying off into the forest.
"Try anything else, I dare you." I said loudly, in the deepest and most foreboding voice I could.
Almost immediately, all the other men, now absolutely terrified, hastily retreated.

Right after they retreated, my head started hurting slightly, but the slight pain quickly went away.

I ran into the building to see if it was still there.
It was.
This time, I examined it much closer.
It was then that I remembered the other smaller device that Mia had found.
I still luckily had it on me, in my inside coat pocket, somehow still intact after my "power trip".
The two devices were strikingly similar in terms of design.

This time, I found a switch labeled "CYCLOTRON BREAKER", and flicked it on.
This time, when I flicked the main power switch, there was a futuristic "BWOOSHVVVMMREeeeeeeee", startling me.
I undid the frayed heavy duty straps, and hoisted the humming device onto my back, before securing it.
Attached to the side, was a metal box with a glass nozzle, and a horizontally mounted handle on the back, with a thick cable running into the end of the handle.
I unholstered it, and held it in my hands.
It was somewhat heavy, but was still light enough to hold with one hand.
"Hm, must be some kind of gun..." I said to myself.

Almost as if by instinct, flicked 2 switches on the box with one hand, while holding it with the other.
I walked out of the dilapidated shack, and aimed the nozzle at a half collapsed building, and pressed the button labeled "BEAM INTENSIFY".
I quickly let go of the button when it shot me back from the recoil, and I fell on my side.
"Woah... Cool!" I said in astonishment.
I got back up, and this time I planted my feet firmly.
I pressed the button and a bright orange spiraling beam shot out from the nozzle, into the building.

The beam the device shot out was erratic, and seemingly had no accuracy, as it squiggled a pattern into the side of the building.
After a few seconds, I released the button, and the beam ceased.

The wall I was shooting at, was left with a Microsoft Paint-esque trail of burned wood ,with fire littered along it.
"Keeper, definitely a keeper." I said, in both satisfaction and amazement.

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now