Chapter XXIII "Re-Reunion"

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Grayson's perspective

I was sitting at the kitchen counter, reading a book I had I found on the shelf in what used to be Armen's room, when the front door bursted open.
Quickly turned around to see Drake.

"Grayson! You're not going to believe this!" Drake yelled out.
"Drake?!? Where were have you been?!?" I shouted back in anger.

"I was right Grayson! My dream! You didn't believe me but-!" Drake started

I slapped Drake across the face.
I couldn't believe what was I hearing.
"I don't know what has gotten into you, and why you can't just let this stupid "dream" go!" I yelled at him.

"For the last time Drake, Armen is dead! Get ove-!"
"Then how do you explain that?" Drake interrupted, pointing towards the front doors.

I completely froze, and nearly had a heart attack when I looked towards the doors.

As if on cue, right in the doorway, was the man that I had thought died years ago.


Three billion thoughts careened into my mind, mostly consisting of 'WHAT?!?!?', and '*intense internal screaming*'.

"No, no, no! That's-! That's impossible!" I yelled out, thinking I had just nearly instantaneously lost all my sanity.
"I told you he wouldn't take it well Drake." Armen calmly said, only slightly breaking the tension.
"ARMEN?!?!?!? YOU'RE ALIVE?!?!?!?" I yelled out to him.
"Apparently." He responded calmly.
"It's a very long story, half of it I still can't understand myself." Drake began.
"For now, all I can say is, Samuel is a demon, he somehow resurrected Armen, and it appears he's still partially in control of himself." Drake explained.

"I do know one thing for sure though, we need to find him, and find a way to reverse the effects, before he loses his mind entirely." Drake added.

Those last few words would be occasionally resurfacing themselves, and echoing within my mind for a long time.

"-before he loses his mind entirely."

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now