Chapter XVI "The Funny Man is Gone"

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Grayson's perspective

"That potion is probably going to take a while to set in, you go out and check on Samuel, you just never know with him..." Mia said
"One moment, he's completely silent, observing the trees, the next he's making improvised explosives out of pebbles..."

As much as I hated to leave Drake, she was right, Samuel was always a little cuckoo...
For example, while he was social, he couldn't do it without being extremely awkward.

I walked out of what was once Collin's room, to a worryingly empty house...

"Sam? Hello?"
I checked upstairs but didn't see him.

On the kitchen counter I found a note:

"B-R-B?""What is that supposed to mean?"I went back to Mia to tell her

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"What is that supposed to mean?"
I went back to Mia to tell her

"Hey, Mia, he left a note that says he went to go get some wood."

"Ughhhhh..." Drake turned his head toward us, as he groaned.
"Gr- Grayson? Mia?"

"Drake! You're ok!" I exclaimed
Drake slowly opened his eyes
"I don't feel ok, *cough*, *cough*"

"By the way, the back of your head was bleeding really bad, so now that you're conscious, we should probably check that you don't have severe brain damage or something..."

Good catch Mia, the last thing we need is for Drake to have memory loss.

"What's 2+2?"
"Well of course I know that... it's 4."

"How about 75-6?"
"That's... 69."

"Nice" I whispered quietly.

"Uh... 200."


"You expect me to actually solve that?"
"No, I don't. That was just a self-esteem check."

"A what?" Drake asked.
"Never mind..."

"What's your name?"
"Oh gee! I can't remember!"

Mia turned to me and whispered.
"Sarcasm check results are looking good."

"Where did you meet Grayson?"
"A base in the Arctic."

"What is Grayson addicted to?"

"What? No I'm not!" I yelled
"Are too." Mia said pointing at me, with her eyes still on Drake.

"Of course, we already know you can hear..." Mia continued
"Can you see?" She asked next.

"I never really could." Drake responded.

"How about smell?"
"I can smell Grayson's breath."
"Drake!" I yelled.

"It smells like cookies."
"DRAKE!" I yelled again, louder than before.

"Can you feel?"
"I can feel your increasing urge to slap me in the face, does that count?"

"Well, your brain seems to be functioning." Mia concluded.
"Unfortunately." Drake muttered.

It was now around noon, but Samuel still hadn't returned...

"Grayson? Is something wrong?" Mia asked
"Yeah, I just..." I started.
"It's Samuel, isn't it?" She guessed.
"Grayson, he's probably fine." Mia said, attempting to reassure me.
"As he's told us before, he can handle a few things himself."

"Wait, Samuel left?" Drake asked
"Yes, he left a note." I spoke.
"A note? Do you still have it?" Drake asked.
"Yeah, I have in my pocket, why?"

"Can I see it for a moment?"
"Yeah, sure."
I fumbled around in my pocket for the small scrap of old paper and handed it to him.

"Grayson, you're right to be worried, this note seems a little... off..."
"First of all, Samuel doesn't normally write in cursive."

"Second, we don't need any wood..."

"Mia, I'll grab my gear and head out to look for Sam, you take care of Drake while I'm away, and if I'm not back here by tomorrow morning, then start looking for me." I spoke.

With that, I grabbed my stuff, and headed out.

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now