Chapter XXVI "Nice Shootin' Tex"

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"In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red."

- Marty Robbins

Samuel's perspective
I turned down a path, and turned my head up to see something that instantly made me stop me in my tracks.
It was a nightmare.

It just stayed where it was, staring me down, like it was a caveman that had just seen a modern skyscraper.
Then, strangely, it appeared to be...
Then I realized, it was coming closer.

Quickly, I switched on the device on my back, and unholstered the nozzle.

Even though Drake had told me that all weapons have seemingly no effect on Nightmares, it was my only possible way to defend myself.

I aimed, flicked the switches, and hit the beam activation button, hoping it would do something, anything.

The moment the beam of energy hit the Nightmare, the beam began swirling around it, and it cried out in pain.
The nightmare then began trying to tug on the beam, like it was caught by a lasso.
The beam began bending and flickering, and it suddenly pulled me to the right, causing me to fall over onto my side.
I let go of the fire button, and the pack stopped firing.
I looked up to see the nightmare flying away into the distance.

I had found a way to defend myself.

The Adventures of Samuel: Episode I "Haunted Beginnings"Where stories live. Discover now