Chapter XVII "Lost and Found"

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WARNING: This chapter contains very graphic descriptions and has mentions of death via impalement.
If you are sensitive to such content, you may want to skip this chapter.

Because this chapter is a major point in the story, a short summary can be found in between this chapter, and the next, where much of the possibly sensitive content is either removed or changed.


"Like the wind, you came here running.
Take the consequence of living/leaving.
There's no space.
There's no tomorrow.
There's no sent communication/There's no sense for new division."

- Unknown Artist

Grayson's Perspective

"Samuel!" I yelled out.
"Samuel!" And again...
And again...

Just when I thought I had lost all hope, I noticed a large opening in the vegetation off the side of the path.
There was a trail of blood on the ground leading in...

"Oh, Notch almighty..." I said quietly.
I really hoped it wasn't from who I thought it was from.
"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead..." I quietly repeated to myself.
I went through... and...
"Ohhh Notch... ohh no... Yikes..."
Thank Notch it wasn't Samuel's body, but it was still very gruesome...
It appeared to be younger man, probably in his early thirties.
He was pinned by his stomach to a large tree branch, like a meat skewer, with his legs lying in pools of blood on the ground, detached from his body, and bruises, cuts, and blood covering every inch.

"Gr- Grayson?"
"AH!" I yelled, startled.
"Samuel?!?" I said shocked as I turned around to face the source of the familiar voice.
"Grayson! Boy, am I glad to see you!" He said cheerfully.
What in the sweet name of flansmod has happened here?!?" He yelled in disbelief, at the terrible sight behind me.

"Did you do this?" Samuel questioned suspiciously.
"What? No! Of course not!"
"I could never manage to do something like this!"

"I came out looking for you, and saw the blood, thinking something bad happened to you."
"Well, it's good you did, I got lost looking for a good tree to chop." Samuel said.
"Speaking of trees, why'd you come out here for wood? We don't need any." I said, confused.
"Hm? Oh, I thought I might patch up some of the holes in the walls, the place looks like Swiss cheese." He explained.
"Follow me, I'll lead you back to the house." I spoke.
"Alright, all the trees here are wet from the rain anyways..." Samuel replied.

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