Ep 2: He plays basketball

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  "Ew." I make a disgusted face and Dylan groans when we see Freya kiss Everett on the basketball court before his practice starts. Everett Avery Jackson, the basketball team captain, is also Freya's boyfriend. They went out on 7 dates before she let him kiss her and now that's all they do and it's disgusting as fuck. Dylan and I probably hate this more than anyone. Disgusting.

  Dylan; My boyfriend. We started dating about 6 months ago but we've known each other since junior year of high school. We became friends after Freya and I beat up a guy who was bullying him-Well, beat him up, Freya was on the sidelines, covering her face with her hands.

  Freya smiles at him, his muscular arm wrapped around her waist and his phone in his hand as he takes a selfie. He says something to her, tucking a hair strand behind her hair and she giggles, biting her lower lip. She's down bad. "Ok. They are kinda cute." I decide suddenly, smiling at them (I probably look creepy). They look cute together.

  Dylan gapes at me like I've murdered his kitten. "He plays basketball." My boyfriend informs me flatly, glaring at me like he can't believe I even said those words. Dylan is extremely against Freya being with Everett because according to him she should be a hockey girl since both her dad and brother play hockey and of course, Dylan plays hockey too, and 'dating a basketball guy is equal to sinning'.

  He doesn't really care but he likes to tease and annoy her which works every time. "Yeah, but they look cute." I chuckle, patting his chest. His hand covers mine and pushes it off his chest, sticking his tongue out at me.

  A snort leaves my mouth and I slap his face with the back of my hand, making him wince. "Don't be a baby. She's happy."

  Freya literally hops over to us, all giddy and squeaky taking her bag from my hands. "That was disgusting." I inform her of my feelings but there's a teasing smile on my face. She rolls her eyes, biting her lip to hide her smile, and starts walking ahead of us. "Like you two don't suck face every given second of the day? It's fucking torture and it's fucking disgusting and I have to deal with it so shut up." She mutters, walking in the direction of our next class.

  A chuckle leaves Dylan's mouth as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards him, bending a little to kiss my cheek. "See! This is what I'm talking about!" Freya exclaims, throwing her hands up in exasperation. We both smile, guilty. I hug her, kissing her cheek but she's quick to pull away, wiping her cheek aggressively. "Don't touch me with your dirty lips."

  My smile widens. "I don't understand how you can just betray hockey. Have you got no shame?" Dylan grumbles, clearly not over the fact that she's dating a basketball guy. "Your dad and brother play hockey. I play hockey." He adds to his argument, the wind messing up his wavy brown hair.

  She sighs, fixing her loose braid in the mirror, and pinning the strands to the side. "Hockey guys are players. I don't wanna be played by idiots. I have other shit ruining my life." She replies, absentmindedly, probably already annoyed by us.

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