Ep 4: Cover my scars

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Also, happy mothers Day!

  "Fuck you!" I yell at my brother

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  "Fuck you!" I yell at my brother.

  "Izzie!" Mom's warning comes from Freya's room.

  "FINE! UNFUCK YOU!" I yell again and slam my door, stomping over to my closet to pick out a cute outfit for Dylan's hockey match today. They are playing against our rival university, The SilverBeak University. Ravenhoods and The Silverbeaks have had a rivalry going for about 2 decades for some unknown reason that I do not care enough about. Getting back to the important point, Ryder and I got into an argument over something that I don't even remember, but I know I'm mad at him right now.

  He's such a fucking shit pot. I hate him. He's soo fucking annoying. I could kill him right now and I probably would've if mother dearest hadn't interrupted. I was minding my own business, peacefully getting ready when he started beef with me. Such a shit ass.

  My eyes rake over my body in the body length mirror, the black flared jeans and a half sleeve red top with a zipper at the front. My fingers reach the zipper, slightly pulling it down, showing a good amount of my cleavage, and the two tattoos, one on the side of my neck and the other above my collarbone. A groan leaves my lips when the bra I'm wearing itches. I shove my hand under my top, fixing it, and then pushing my tits up. Sometimes, I wish I could go braless but my saggy tits would disagree.

  I flex my arms in the mirror, one with more tattoos than the other, peeking out of my half sleeves shirt. My mind races back to when I got my first tattoo. I was 17 and it was probably illegal to tattoo a 17-year-old but I had a friend of a friend who said he'd tattoo my arm but of course, after I convinced him with a fake sob story.

  I had started with quotes from my favorite books and bookish drawings like my Hogwarts house (a stupid decision) and other stuff. Then I started getting more tattoos, different shapes, sizes, and meanings to cover up my stretch marks and scars. Almost all of my tattoos have some meaning behind them and every time I look at them, I see it as a reminder of everything I have survived and been through.

  My mother on the other hand, had a heart attack along with a whole sob session. She told everyone about how I got tattoos and tried to convince me to get them removed. She even tried to convince Freya's dad to tell me to get them removed. He didn't. Surprise. His own son-Ezekiel- has a bajillion tattoos, so instead he complimented me. As time went by, I got used to my mother's sob session and learnt how to ignore them without making it look like I'm ignoring her because that my friends would start a war.

  A loud banging on the door breaks my train of thoughts and I look to the door to see my brother sloppily walking in with a sad look on his face. "Hi." He sighs.

  "You sound like Ross from FRIENDS." I announce, walking into my closet to pick up black-heeled boots, which are going to add another 3 inches to my already 5'7 height. I apply red lipstick and pull a black long coat over my shoulders.

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