Ep 5: that explains the disappearance

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  A gasp leaves my lips at the alarm ringing loudly, and I hurdle out of my bed, yelping in pain when I stub my toe on something heavy on the floor

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  A gasp leaves my lips at the alarm ringing loudly, and I hurdle out of my bed, yelping in pain when I stub my toe on something heavy on the floor. 'Owwww! Fuck!" My eyes fall to the alarm clock and widen. I overslept. Shit. Shit.

  I'm going to miss my class and I have a test in Professor Clarke's class today. He is not going to spare me a single second and snatch the paper from my hands. My breathing comes out panicky and I look around for some decent clothes to wear. Fuck my life extra hard. I rub my eyes with the heel of my palm, trying to get rid of the sleepiness.

  I've only ever been late to a class once and it was in school because Ryder decided to fall down the stairs, on his face, because a turkey chased him. We had to rush him to the hospital which was a long and tiring process. His nose kept bleeding and I missed my presentation.

  "Where are my clothes?" I start mumbling to myself, running around the room like a cat about to be bathed. "Clothes. Come on!" I snatch a blue graphic sweatshirt from the chair in the corner and pick out a pair of gray sweats from the laundry basket. I sniff the sweats to make sure they aren't dirty dirty and thank the gods when they smell fine.

  It's just one day, it doesn't matter if I wear dirty sweats. They aren't exactly dirty though but they just need to be washed. You get me? I pull my hair up into a messy bun but it doesn't stay up for long and literally falls. A loud groan of frustration leaves my lips and I stomp my feet, stomping in the washroom to clean my face. I leave my hair the way it is because a ponytail isn't possible right now. At Least I look human. I guess?

  My fingers Rapp on Freya's door but she doesn't answer. My brows knit together and I open the door to her room. Concern fills me at the sight of an empty room. She always wakes me up and we leave for our classes together but, I haven't seen her in a week. She didn't attend any of her classes saying she'd stay at Everett's place. I called Everett a week ago to make sure she was there, and he said she was. 

  The last time I saw her was a week ago when I came back to our dorm from the game. My chest tightens in worry but I shrug it off. It's probably nothing. They are probably fucking in a corner right now. "Nevermind," I mutter to myself, leaving the dorm because I don't have the time right now. I'll see her in class anyway because there's no way anyone would miss Mr. Clarke's test and face his wrath.

  A chilly breeze hits my face and I hiss under my breath, regretting not bringing a jacket. Once again, the Elsa effect. I didn't even have breakfast, not even coffee. Oh, I'm going to die or fall asleep during my class since I was up till 2 am, making a presentation which I have to present today. Did I mention how much I love presentations? It makes me feel superior and smart. (Which I am)

  I take big steps toward the building my class is in but almost bump into a big wall. A warm wall? It's not a wall, is it? Nope. It's a real human and the worst part is that the human I bump into is not the one I wanted to bump into because it's no one but Ezekiel Troy Maddox himself in all his fucking glory. How do I know that without looking up? That's a good question. Probably his scent or his raspy laugh after he steadies me with one hand.

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