Ep 25: done looking at my ass

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IM BACK YAY! I have flu and a sore throat and I have to wake up in 5 hours for my 8 am class. Wish me luck. Also vote and comment. Thanks babies🥀



My phone resting face down on the wooden desk rings furiously, over and over again as I try to concentrate on the test I'm currently writing. I declined the call on the first time, muted it on the second and now I've been trying to ignore the whole table vibrating from the last 55 seconds.

Yes. It has rung 6 times in the last 55 seconds.

I don't need to see who the caller is because I somehow already know. No one else would call me 6 times at 1:25pm on a Monday. No one but 4 people. 3 if I exclude Gwyn because she actually has the decency to get the message.

A huff leaves my lips when the phone vibrates again but this time I don't get to decline because my Professor, Miss Braganza, picks up my phone from the table with a disappointed look but one look at the caller and she accepts the call.

"Mr Lincoln Rogers. My favorite student of all times. I see you missed your important test today and are very hell bent on making Mr Maddox lose focus too, hmm?" Her voice is low but teasing. She gives me a tight but fake smile, playing with her low ponytail, very intently (notice the sarcasm) listening to whatever Linc has to say.

I bite my tongue, internally praying for Linc. Miss Braganza is not forgiving or nice or kind or sweet in any kind of way.

Once done, She holds up my phone in the air and points to her desk as she walks back and takes my phone with her. My face flushes and I nod, staring down at the test paper in my hand, not bothering to look anywhere else. Fucking Linc. I'm going to murder him.

About ten minutes later I'm done with my test and walk up to the professors desk to hand it to her. She takes it with a stern nod, serious looking expression and then looks up at me. "Your worksheet from last week. Today's the due date." She whispers and gets back to her laptop.

I nod at her, as I eye my phone that's placed on the other side of the huge desk. Shrugging my shoulder I walk back to my bag to pull out the worksheet. I'll get it once I hand her the sheet. It's not like she'll steal my phone.

Opening the back zipper of the bag where I placed it this morning, I don't find it in there. My eyes widen, breath absolutely breaking off. I feel a lump in my throat. Fuck. I swear I put it in here. God please please save me.

I search the rest of the bag, every pocket, every zipper, every single corner but it's not there. Did I not bring it? Or did I accidentally drop it in Nova's car? My hands search for my phone in my pockets but- Oh shit. Its at the table and if I go back now, she'll ask for the sheet. Fuck. Fuck. Why me?

Taking a deep breath, I find some courage in me as I pack my bag and walk up tp her. Its okay. She wont be that mean. I'll be fine.

I'm a few steps away from the desk when something gets slammed on the wood. "You forgot your sheet." Its Miss Braganza. She just snapped at a student who is standing infront of her with his head low. "How old are you guys again? 20 plus I'm assuming, some of you even older than that. You're all responsible adults and this is also your responsibility. I can accept late sheets but I'll have to take a mark off for late submission. Thank you." She sits back down once she's done snapping at us all.

The student walks out quietly and I pity him, I really do but more than him I feel scared for myself. Fuck. Looking at the ground I take small steps to the desk, gently knocking on the wood with my fingers to gain her attention. "Yes Maddox?" Her tone is neutral but before I can dig a grave for myself theres a loud knock at the door and a very familiar raspy voice grabs my attention.

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