23: Beautiful like Aphrodite

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LIKE APHRODITE???? REALLY EZ???? *SWOON* I was planning on robbing yall but i didn't cuz Im nice. Its not that good tho cuz if you've read WFR (OG) yk i can do better but i just got back from classes. 



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Nova is annoyed.

Which isn't new but this feels different.

It is different.

  Throwing my jacket on the L-shaped couch, I walk after her into my room that she's taken over but I don't mind. At all. The girl has been annoyed since that interaction with my ex-girlfriend and I find it amusing enough to bug her about it.

  She huffs, throwing her jacket on the big bed covered in blue sheets and blankets, the jacket falling atop the captain america plushie. Her fingers raise, twisting her thick black hair into a messy bun on top of her head.

  Arms folded on my chest as I lean my body against the door frame, watching my fake girlfriend pick up all the makeup items from the bed, furiously slamming them on the dresser. I slightly flinch at every object being slammed on the wooden dresser, a slow smile forming on my lips.

She's so jealous. And she knows it.

  "Do you need something, Ezekiel?" She snaps at me, glaring with those piercing icy blue eyes that I love soo much. Her hands are resting on her waist as she stares up at me, a thick brow raised. I bite the inside of my cheek at the full name. She rarely uses my full name.

  She looks like a tea pot. I hold back a laugh because she looks so cute with that little frown on her lips, and I have the worst urge to kiss it off. "Yeah....Um....soo....." I start but then pause because I have nothing to say and I can't tell her I've been looking at her ass and tits the whole because she might glare into my soul.

In my defense, she looked good. Scratch that. Good is the biggest understatement.

"Well...?" She lifts a shoulder, staring dumbfoundedly at me, waiting for an answer.

  My mind goes blank for a second before my mouth sputters out words on its own, shocking the both of us. "There was this girl at the game..."

"What?" Blue eyes widen, arms on her waist now losing some tension.

  My eyes widen at my own statement but I decide to play along, anyway. "Yep. Tall, really pretty, really hot, and God her tits were amazing." I know I've fully thrown myself under the bus with that one because Nova's blue eyes narrow into a piercing glare before she blinks a few times, her face going neutral of any expression.

  Her arms fold on her chest, pushing the previously said tits, up even more. A small groan leaves my lips, my head dropping to the side of the door frame, and a tiny chuckle leaves my lips. Fuck. When I open my eyes again, the girl is busy folding some clothes on the bed, taking them to the little walk-in closet and I walk right behind her.

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