Ep 9: Tylenol murders

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  "Nova. Stop reading the fucking tweet." Ezekiel's soft voice hits my ears as I scroll through more of the brutal fucking replies under this stupid tweet. I bring my legs up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. My jaw hurts from how hard I've been clenching it, trying to hold a sob from leaving my mouth. I feel like Elena from the vampire diaries. All I've been doing for the last 24 hours is crying. 

  This is my millionth sob session, at least I didn't cry in front of Ezekiel's friends because that would've been embarrassing and I can't deal with that kind of embarrassment right now. Honestly, I don't think I even have any more tears left to cry at this point-who are we kidding, I'll be sobbing in the next ten minutes again. I keep reading the comments despite not wanting to even though some of them are nice. Some.

'The other girl is prettier.'

'She's a bitch, she deserves it.'

'His loss. She's hot. I'd take her in an instant.'

'Maybe she needs to lose a few pounds.'

'The girl needs to hit the gym. I can see why he cheated.'

'She deserves better. She's gorgeous and smart.'

'My bro scored. His new girl is hot!'

'Justice for Izzie. Fuck men.#JFI'

JFI? Really?

  "I can't," I mutter, feeling a crack in my chest as all my insecurities hit me all at once.

  Maybe I am too mean. Perhaps I do need to lose some weight. Is that why he left? He knew who he was getting with and never had a problem. Even if he didn't leave because of this reason, I can't help but let it get to my head. It took me a very long time to get comfortable in my skin, after years of getting bullied and being made fun of, I'm finally happy with how I look. My mind tries to push out the thoughts circling around my head but I fail. I still remember wearing loose and baggy clothes in high school to hide my body, and wearing loose dresses at friend's parties because I thought I looked uglier than them. I won't let this affect my love for my body but at the same time, I can't help but hate it.

  "Your project partners are the people you are sitting with right now. Please complete this by tomorrow. Thank you." Miss Johnson announces our math project.

  Somebody snickers behind me and the guy I'm sitting with, and my head snaps back with a glare. The boys behind me quiet down as I turn back to my project.

  "Yo, he's stuck with the fat girl." My spine stiffens and my fingers drop the pencil at the whispering. It's okay. They are mean and just saying it to piss me off. I tell myself as I pick up my pencil and continue to work.

  A girl nears my desk, placing a hand on her waist as she gives me a once over and then turns to Luke; the guy sitting with me. "Good luck with that." She gives me a creepy fake smile. I don't say anything but their words hit me like a sharp knife in the chest, twisting over and over again.

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