Chapter 24

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Brenda grew up in a privileged family. Being the only daughter of a wealthy corporate businessman with a corporate law attorney wife, she grew up always getting what she wants. She has her own personal caretakers to tend to her every whim and if they can't give her what she wanted, there's always her parent's money.

Growing up, Brenda attended prestigious schools. She was always one of the popular kids, especially during high school. She had many cliques and friends, most of them blinded by her money which she had intended them to be. Because of that, it became easier for Brenda to achieve positions at school, she was head cheerleader and vice president of the school committee and everyone looked up to her. She was the queen bee and that was all Brenda cared about, power and influence, until she fell in love.

A boy named Ricky transferred during junior year and instantly caught Brenda's eyes. He was good-looking and smart, it didn't take long for him to gain his own popularity and soon enough, he started courting Brenda

The two instantly became a couple. Brenda was head over heels for him, almost obsessed actually. Ricky was Brenda's first everything, first boyfriend, first love, first kiss and the one who took Brenda's virginity. She gave him everything he wanted, so much that her world revolved around him.

They were lovey-dovey for a year until Ricky started acting differently. He grew cold towards Brenda, only being with her when he needed something but that didn't shatter the perfect boyfriend image Brenda had of him. Their relationship grew sour until it turned solely into a sexual one.

And it would have continued on but then Brenda found out Ricky was seeing another girl

"Who is she?!" Brenda yelled angrily, teary-eyed

"What are you talking about?!" Ricky replied with the same tone of voice

"That girl you met with yesterday! The one you gave flowers to! Who the hell is she?!"

"How d- You followed me?! What the fuck Brenda?!"

"Answer the fucking question Ricky, who is she?!"

"That's none of your fucking business" Ricky huffed in a defensive manner, "I'm outta here" then stomped his way out of Brenda's room

Brenda stood, feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. In her trembling, clenched hand was a pregnancy test with two red vertical lines


It wasn't long until Brenda's parent's found out about the pregnancy. Her parents were furious and gave Brenda an ultimatum, give up the pregnancy or be disowned, for they would not have such a disgrace of a daughter tainting the family name.

One day, Ricky hastily asked for Brenda at her home, when she was called down, he hurriedly pulled her into her room

"I'm just starting to court her but now she won't even talk to me" he said exasperatedly, "because she found out about you!"

"What does that suppose to mean?!"

"It means it's over, we're done"

Brenda looked at him and crossed her arms, "wow, so you would rather go after a girl who clearly doesn't want you near her than to be with a girl that you're having a child with?"

Ricky stared at Brenda as the color of his face slowly disappear, "what?"

"I'm pregnant Ricky" Brenda smiled proudly, "you're going to be a dad"

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