Chapter 37

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Tasha found herself walking into...nowhere. Just a path covered in white. Slowly, an image started to emerge and she found herself walking along a busy hall filled with doctors, nurses as well as common people in daily attires.

Tasha tried talking to them, calling out and even touching them but she remained invisible in their eyes. After a while, Tasha got tired and gave up trying to talk to anyone as it seemed like they can't see her at all. So Tasha wandered around and sat at an empty bench in the waiting area in a place, which Tasha assumed, is a hospital. But why is she here in the first place?

Her thoughts were interrupted when the doors suddenly bursts open and a group of medics quickly wheeled in a stretcher carrying a bloody, unconscious young man. While a doctor and a number of nurses hurriedly went to them and guided them into another room.

Tasha curiously looked on as the door of that room finally closed

Only a few minutes in, the doctor came out looking disheartened but also hopeful as he went to the nurses' reception area. Tasha followed the doctor and listened in on the conversation

"He didn't make it but the good news is he's a donor" he said to the nurses at the table, "contact his family and run some tests on his blood type immediately. He may be a match with our patient"

"I hope he is Doc, That girl is still so young" one of the nurses replied as the others quickly went to work

Tasha watched as another nurse went in that room with a cooler then went out again, hurriedly carrying the cooler into another room.

The hospital doors once again bursts open, two other people in their late-thirties were brought in. A man was in a stretcher and a woman on a wheel chair, both were bloody and wounded. The man was semi-conscious while the woman was crying hysterically.

"Please go back and save my daughter! She's still alive!" the woman screamed and cried as tightly held onto the arms of one of the medics

"Please calm down ma'am. We're doing our best to save her and get her here as soon as possible" one of the medics reassured the wounded woman, "We'll take care of her, I promise"

The woman slowly calmed down but the worry on her face was still pretty evident

"What an eventful day" Tasha commented as she looked on and listened to her surroundings," A few lives were already changed in a span of minutes". She stood and went to the room where the woman from earlier was being treated

Tasha watched the anxious, teary woman as the nurses treated her wounds. She was quiet now compared to earlier. But her eyes were tired and her body looked like it was about to collapse

Tasha approached the older woman and despite knowing she can't see or hear her, she went ahead and talked to her anyway

"I can't imagine how my own mother would be if I-" Tasha stopped and closed her eyes for a bit, "Your daughter will live. She's safe and she's going to be fine. She's going to fight because she loves you very much" Tasha reassured the worried woman

As if she heard her, the older woman slightly nodded and showed a small smile.

Tasha, although surprised, smiled back and placed her hand on the older woman's shoulder.

The touching moment was briefly interrupted by a nurse pacing along the hall, his voice echoing, "It's a match! And the family agreed to the donation! Doctor Nilsen said to inform the patient's family and prep the patient! Quickly!" he hustled his co-nurses whom quickly followed his orders

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