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At the castle the vampires' have looked high and low for the hunters' but didn't find them. Giving up the vampires got ready for the blood moon, but after a few seconds they heard someone clearing their throat looking they saw that it was 4 of the vampire hunters'.

"Where's the last 2?" Hoseok asked and Donghun pointed a wooden stake at them not answering. After milliseconds a fight broke out. Athena is taking Namjoon on, Byeongkwan is taking Jin on, Chan is taking on Yoongi and Donghun is taking on Hoseok. For. Few minutes only groaning could be heard in the room but soon the hunters' were on the ground in pain, while the vampires' were laughing.

"You know what we may not need to go and capture citizens from the city when we have 4 of the vampire hunters right here" Namjoon said and at that moment all Athena could think was where the hell is Sehyoon and Junhee? And what is taking them so long? Or even if Sehyoon and Junhee are even coming back?

At the entrance of the castle Sehyoon and Junhee are just running in and came to a a-prompted stop seeing there siblings' on the ground in pain and the vampires' going closer to them. Suddenly bells went off and the blood moon came out. The second a ray of light from blood moon hit the vampires' their eyes turned red they opened their mouth to reveal their fang, staring in horror unsure what to do they just stood there.

Do should Sehyoon and Junhee do?

Hunter siblingsWhere stories live. Discover now