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Athena looked at Namjoon with a confused look. Namjoon smirked and knew exactly what she was going to say.

"How I locked you away in my ring!" Athena yelled and Namjoon explained everything.

"Remember when you dropped your ring my soul was released and traveled to the box. Well you know the rest" Namjoon returned as his smirk got bigger. Suddenly Byeongkwan and Winter entered. Soon enough Chad pointed the gun at Athena and shot the gun. Donghun was not letting Athena to get injured so he pushed her out the way and took the bullet for her

"Donghun!" All the hunter siblings' yelled at once Athena ran straight to him and ripped her dress and used it as a make-sift bandage.

"Guys I've got a plan but it's risky" Athena said as she looked up at the others at the same time the vampires' were getting away. "Yichan, Byeongkwan, Winter you guys hunt the vampires' once you them cornered call, Sehyoon, Junhee you're with me and we'll get Donghun to the hospital." Yuchan, Byeongkwan, and Winter went and hunted.

Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Tachyung, Jungkook, Chad and Vy where as Athena, Sehyoon and Junhee took Donghun to the hospital. 

Is Donghun going to pass away?

Will Athena, WOW, and Jun get him there on time?

Can the vampires' be defeated again?

Hunter siblingsWhere stories live. Discover now