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Athena, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Chad and Vy are looking for the real box Athena put the souls of Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok in when Athena grabbed a wooden stake and was about to stab Jimin when Jungkook stopped her put pulling her hands behind her back and Athena struggled against Jungkook.

Soon enough Taehyung found a box showed it to Athena and she inspected the lock and shock her head, frustrated Jungkook let go of Athena as Taehyung warned her if she tries anything she will die by being buried alive 6 feet under. After 5 minutes Athena had the box in her hand.

"This the real box?" Asked Chad, hand the box to Athena and she nodded, Vy snatched the box from Athena then handed it to Chad Where's the key?" Athena took of a necklace chain with a key at the end. Vy snatched the key from Athena's hand and gave it to Chad but when he tried it but it failed.

"Someone kill her!" Chan yelled and just as Jimin was about to kill Athena they heard a voice, immediately Athena knower who it was.

"Let her go!" They all turned to see...

Sehyoon, Byeongkwan, Junhee, Yuchan, Donghun and Winter

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