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"Finally it's time" Jin said and the vampires' was about bite there necks when Junhee spoke.

"Hey vampires'!" He screamed and the vampires looked at them and hissed, after a few seconds Namjoon and Jin ran towards them as Athena, Byeongkwan, Yuchan and Donghun screamed but luckily Sehyoon and Junhee ducked out the way.

"Sehyoon I'll distract the vampires2 Junhee said and Sehyoon nodded and began Jun began distracting the vampires' as Sehyoon began helping Athena, Byeongkwan, Yuchan and Donghun out. As they stood up Junhee was flung against the wall. Running over the vampires' began laughing? Junhee looked at Sehyoon and Sehyoon nodded. Sehyoon handed Junhee a small blade he took out of Donghun's pack pocket, Junhee was about to slit his throat when Athena stopped him

"What are you doing?" She asked eyes widening, Junhee gave her a look then spoke

"You guys go" he returned and place it on his palm instead unable to do what he was going to he dropped the knife causing the vampires to laugh again.

"And here I am thinking you hunters' are good at what you do but I was wrong" Jin smirked and they were about to attack the hunters' when Junhee screamed at Sehyoon.

"Sehyoon now!" Junhee yelled and suddenly the vampires' hissed in pain, seeing the confused look on Athena's, Yuchan's, Byeongkwan's and Donghun's faces Junhee began explaining. "While we were running away from the beginning I set up a garlic bomb that would go off when that button in Sehyoon's hand was pushed. I never plan it would work that well"

"And I thought Byeongkwan was the one to come up with these things" Yuchan laughed and Junhee just smiled.

"Now that is has been cleared up let's stop these vampires" Sehyoon said, Athena took out the box that they use to capture the souls of the things they hunt the brothers' took wooden stakes in their hands, ran to the vampires' and stabbed them in the heart the millisecond that Sehyoon, Byeongkwan, Junhee, Yuchan, and Donghun took the wooden stakes away from the vampires' bodies Athena opened the box and the second the souls were in the box Athena closed the box suddenly the sky and the moon when back to it's normal colour. Athena placed the box on the floor and after a few seconds of silence Donghun spoke

"We did it" he stated then everyone looked at each other before cheering, hugging and finally heading back to the van then back home. Little did they know was that the vampires' actually had a few more siblings...

Will the hunters be able to stop these vampires' who are said to be more powerful then the vampires' they just dealt with?

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