Chapter 13

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Disclaimer! A part of this chapter is going to be filled with bloody stuff. If you are the type to imagine the scene you are reading and is scaredor disgusted with blood, I advise you to not read this chapter.

"Quick! The lady is coming!" A maid yelled.

The servants from her floor paled and panicked scattering everywhere to inform other floors about her arrival.

Now, everyone in the mansion is running around fixing and cleaning the already clean and fixed mansion as if their lives is on the line.

The front door was opened and every servants ran as fast as they could to form a line on both side of the door. Bowing respectfully.

A woman presumed to be 'The lady', walked in a leisurely manner. She is the same woman talking about hunters from before. She glanced towards every corner of the space looking for even the slightest tiny little mistakes.

{The companions turns to look at each other. All of them confirmed their intention and turns to the screen.

Eruhaben and Rosalyn with a notebook and a pen to write possible clues or suspicions while the others except the three kids closed a bit of their distance to the screen and made sure to witness and listen carefully.}

A maid arrived late and was caught by the woman's eagle-like eyes.

"You. Come here" she ordered.

The maid's already pale face turns paler and she began trembling.

Hesitating, she comes forward obediently. Not daring to look at the woman's face.

"Why are you late?" The woman asked. She glared at the maid.

The maid immediately tries to answer. Keyword: tries.


"It doesn't matter" The woman cuts her speech and the maid's head went flying towards the line of servants. Her body fell limply onto the floor with a thud.

{"Eep!" The children squeaked when each of their eyes was covered by the adults hands.

Raon turns to Eruhaben and asked dumbfoundedly. " why are you closing our eyes?"

Eruhaben frowned and took Raon into his arms. Signalling the other adults to do the same with the other two children.

"Sleep" is the only word he said and the three children felt drowsy before falling completely into the Dream land.}

The head rolls to the closest line of servants. The face painted with fear and despair. The servants supressed their flinch and scream as hard as they can.

The woman barely looked at the dead body and went on her way stepping onto the body to walk away.

She took the stairs to went upstair. She stopped in the middle and turns back.

Smiling gracefully, she asked. "Where's my beloved sister in-law?"

The servants kept quite while pointing towards the large door seemingly a room on the second floor.

She nodded and walked gracefully with a smile on her face.

Upon arriving, she knocked the door gently. Waiting for an answer.

But after a few minutes, no answer or signs allowing her to enter came.

But she just smiled as if expecting it to be that way from the start. She touched the door lightly. The 'lightly' touched door was destroyed into shambles. As if there has never been a door in the first place.

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