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Their house was pretty far from my house and, when I got there, I admired the outside of it. It was clean and baby blue. The garden was perfectly shaved and the trees that stood before the entry way were fluffy and full.

I walked hesitantly towards the front door. I wasn't dressed appropriately, I had put on an outfit in a rush this morning. I breathed slowly to calm myself down and I knocked gently on the door.

A blond woman opened the door with a big smile. She had short yellowish hair that suited her happy attitude. She wore a purple shirt with sweatpants and slippers. "Hii, I'm Simone !"

"Hello..." i smiled softly.

"You're here for the boys, aren't you ? Come on in." I did as I was told. "Oh lord, you look so beautiful and mysterious. Like the goth girls on the Internet." She eyed me up and down.

I giggled. "Thank you !"

"It's that left door, darling. Right there."she pointed to the entrance and I barged into the garage.

Two people were in there. Georg was cleaning up the couch and the other one was reading some papers. I awkwardly stood in the doorway. "Hi."

"Mars !" Georg urged in my direction, hugging me tightly. I remained stoic, a little confused as to why he full on took me in his arms, despite me not having any problem with it. But we did just meet this morning for the first time.

"So this is the girl that fucker was talking about." The other member stepped forward, a hard look on his face. He had such a smooth voice, it was obvious he was the lead singer.

He had straight spiky black hair that went everywhere without looking messy. He had dark eyeshadow and thin eyebrows.

"Bill, right ?" I smiled widely and he seemed to have fallen for my charming grin as his face softened.

"Yes, it is right." He sent a gorgeous smile my way and I shook his perfectly manicured hand. "You know why you're here ?" He turned to sit back down on the sofa chair.

"To play for the band cause Gustav didn't make it ?" I guessed.

"Yes. To play in Gustav's place because that irresponsible kid doesn't know how to organise his priorities." Bill rolled his eyes dramatically.

"I would have done the same if I was him. Ditching one appointment for the opportunity of a lifetime. I'm competing too, and I've been practicing since March. So if all my work went down the drain because of one appointment, I would regret it for the rest of my life." I pursed my lips.

Bill marked a pause while he studied my face. "Noted." He mumbled, still staring at me in confusion. He suddenly looked up to the ceiling. "TOM, STOP JERKING OFF AND LET'S START PRACTICING !" He screamed and I froze.

In less than two minutes, the door opened. I turned around and was met by a tall brunette. He had the exact same face details than Bill's but his hair was different and he didn't wear any makeup.

He had blondish dread locks that fell down his shoulders and a single snake bite piercing. He smirked as his eyes trailed down my body.

"Hi." I stretched my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Mars."

"Are you now ?" His smirk widened but he didn't budge. I looked down at my hand that was slowly getting tired.

"Aren't you going to shake it ?" I waved my hand in the air. "That's the bare minimum of the expected respect."

He rolled his eyes, shaking my hand. "I'm Tom."

A tight smile was drawn on my lips. "I know."

A few minutes later, we were all sitting in the garage conversing. I was sitting legs crossed on the carpet and the twins were sitting side by side on the couch, while Georg was tuning his bass guitar.

"So how long have you known Gustav for ?" Bill asked with a soft smile.

"Well, I actually was his sponsor three years ago. I've been taking drumming lessons since I was seven so, eventually, when I got better at it, I sponsored some new students and I got assigned little Gus-Gus." I responded.

"Yeah, he mentions you a lot. When we're talking about the band and the songs' rhythm, he always brings up the stuff you taught him. You mean a lot to Gustav." Bill tilted his head to the side. "I'm glad he got to meet you. I know I'm a little tough on him but it's just because this band is so important to me. It feels nice to know he have friends that treat him the way he deserves."

I nodded as I listened to what the lead singer had to say. I was happy I got to meet the band, they all seemed so cool and affectionate. Maybe Tom a little less, I really believed that he was a bit cocky.

"Can we smoke in here ?" I suddenly asked and Georg gave me permission. I lit up my cigarette and Tom put down an ashtray next to me, then sat by my side, lighting a cigarette of his own.

"So what do you do ?" The boy with dread locks asked.

"I play drums." I shrugged my shoulders.

"No, I mean in life. What is it that you do ?"

"If I answer, that mean I would open up too much and that means..." I exhaled the smoke on his face. "... that I'm exposing myself to someone I've known for less than an hour."

He laughed softly, throwing his head back. "Why are you so defensive all the time ? I'm just trying to get to know you."

I marked a pause before biting my lip in hesitation. "Okay, okay. For the past eight years, I've been spending my time either in the music studio, in my house or random spots in the city. I don't have any passions except drumming, I don't have any extracurricular activities except drinking on my roof or smoking in my producer's studio. So like I said I just play drums." I sighed, laying down on my back.

He stared at me for a bit before laying down as well. "I bet you can do more than drumming."

"I know how to ghost perfectly." I mumbled before doing one proudly.

His tongue fumbled with his piercing as he nodded surprisingly. "That's a clean one. But can you do... The french inhale ?" He inhaled from his cigarette then let out the smoke as it went up his nose perfectly.

"I can if I want to." I smirked, determined to win the challenge he just suggested. I tried the first time but I saw the smoke spread before me.

"Yeah, nah, you can't." He mocked me.

"Fuck you, I can do it." I tried again, this time, concentrating as I exhaled.

"Wait. Here. You have to keep your mouth open a little, if you want smoke to get out of there." He explained, bringing up his hands to my face and lowering my lip with his thumb.

Taken aback by the sudden proximity, I choked on the smoke and started coughing dramatically.

Tom looked at me with amused eyes. "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

I punched his shoulder playfully. "Fuck off."

At that instant, Bill clapped his hands. "Okay let's try 'Monsoon' just one time before the community manager comes."

The band members obeyed and I sat awkwardly behind the drum-set. Bill handed me sheets of paper and my eyes travelled along the drum notations.

The black haired singer stood in front of us with his microphone. "Alrighty. One, two, GO !"

My drumsticks dropped on the hard shell, music exploding inside the garage. Georg followed behind with his bass guitar while Tom played his instrument with nimbleness and agility.

I couldn't help my gaze following his movement as he looked so carefree while playing the guitar with his hair on his face.

When Bill started singing, the ambiance completely changed and my attention was ripped off of Tom and was now completely focused on the music. The black haired boy's voice was smooth and tingly. I followed the drum notations perfectly as it went along well with the song.

The practice show was close to perfect. Surprisingly, no one made any mistake and I knew later on that it was because of how much they practiced that specific song.

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